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*Please see my post on page 4 of this thread for an update on availability*

When I got my Vespa I found that my hands tired really quickly or cramped up. Be it from having big hands or the vibrations from the scooter, I have found that Grip Puppies really helped.

I have recommended them on here in a thread before, but I feel that more people might benefit from them if they have their own thread, especially after another member here really like them. They are nothing more than rubber foam that get pulled over your existing grips which makes the grips larger in circumference and softer.

Just thought I'd throw it out there...

Edit: fixed the link...
Grip puppies
Grip puppies
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Grip Puppies for me every time - cured the buzzing vibration and the larger diameter is much more comfortable for me....... and CHEAP!
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Yup-Love the Pups! easy to get on with just a little soapy water and with my big hands, they seem to deter fatigue and do a great job minimizing the vibrations to my achy hands. Just got them going and can't wait to do a two hour trip now. Thanks Midnight Rider for introducing me to your grips.

The Grip Puppies are to your hands what the Airhawk is to your bum. Except the Puppies are only $10 a pair!

Personally, I don't want anything about my ride to be uncomfortable or painful and look for these little additions to make the whole experience of my scooter a positive one. I know there are tough members here-too tough to sit on an Airhawk or grab a puppy, but I want to enjoy the ride as much and as long as possible!
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Cool! Thanks for sharing!
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bjmedd wrote:
Cool! Thanks for sharing!
+1, Yall Convinced me... Going to order 2 pairs for each bike...

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I want something like that but for the brake levers - to stop cold hands in winter
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I've been using Grip Puppies for the past year and a half. Now if I'm on a scooter without them it feels weird. It's more comfortable for me having larger grips.
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bleverone wrote:
The Grip Puppies are to your hands what the Airhawk is to your bum. Except the Puppies are only $10 a pair!
Originally I was reading this as "gripe puppies". I was wondering, what do they have to gripe about? LOL. As to the Airhawks, it's an interesting name because I'd think a hawk's beak would be nipping away at one's butt (if you sat on its beak, that is). Clown emoticon
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I just had something similar installed by Midwest Action Cycle. I forget the brand. I love 'em. They make the ride comfortable.

Two problems though: 1) they are too large in diameter to fit my Grip-Lock, and 2) without thinking, I strapped the scooter to my truck and left indentations in the foam.

(Actually, the indentations make the Grip-Lock fit, but I really hope that the foam will recover its shape).
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I"ve got grip puppies on my Scarabeo but on my DC trip I found that my thumb was tender after the first thousand miles. I can now compare long trips with and without them since my Amerivespa trip was on the BV which doesn't have them. While I appreciate the vibration reduction my thumb felt better without them. So I've got mixed feelings about htem.
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Raputtak wrote:
I just had something similar installed by Midwest Action Cycle. I forget the brand. I love 'em. They make the ride comfortable.

Two problems though: 1) they are too large in diameter to fit my Grip-Lock, and 2) without thinking, I strapped the scooter to my truck and left indentations in the foam.

(Actually, the indentations make the Grip-Lock fit, but I really hope that the foam will recover its shape).
I'm able to fit the Grip-Lock over the Grip Puppies without a problem.
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I love this board!

I'm keeping a file with all the scooter related stuff I'm going to buy when I get mine. This goes on the list for sure!

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FourIsCompany wrote:
I love this board!

I'm keeping a file with all the scooter related stuff I'm going to buy when I get mine. This goes on the list for sure!

Up at the top of the page you'll see a tab for Notes. It's a convenient spot to keep things you find on the site.
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Yep, I put a pair on my old LX150 back in 2007 and wore 'em out over the next 3 years. Ordered a replacement pair and, since I sold that bike, immediately noticed a "deficiency" in the grip feel on the new GTS300.

First mod? Grip puppies...

Plus, the folks at CA Sport Touring are great, and I'm happy to support them with my business...
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Masala wrote:
Yep, I put a pair on my old LX150 back in 2007 and wore 'em out over the next 3 years. Ordered a replacement pair and, since I sold that bike, immediately noticed a "deficiency" in the grip feel on the new GTS300.

First mod? Grip puppies...

Plus, the folks at CA Sport Touring are great, and I'm happy to support them with my business...
Any problem getting them over the "knob" on the end of the LX grips?
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Yes, I was wondering the same thing danny, only my Honda PCX grips have a Lip on the outer end (and my stock grips Are very Grippy). I feel a tad cramped on the 4" wide grip area on mine and was hoping I could trim an inch off these 5" wide puppies to fill in the grip space to widen the grip space. (confusing sentence? )
mpfrank, I appreciate the link (& price ) I checked the reviews. It seems folk have a real problem getting them over "grippy type" stock grips. Is Liquid soap the only way to get these slipped on? And up & over the grip end lips? Any suggestions? anyone?
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girl puppies
I read what I wanted to read when I saw your thread title...
expected to find pictures of your cute new puppies and instead it was some nonsense about scooters
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I have been using them for many years. Get to reduce the vibs and increase comfort.
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danny*h wrote:
Masala wrote:
Yep, I put a pair on my old LX150 back in 2007 and wore 'em out over the next 3 years. Ordered a replacement pair and, since I sold that bike, immediately noticed a "deficiency" in the grip feel on the new GTS300.

First mod? Grip puppies...

Plus, the folks at CA Sport Touring are great, and I'm happy to support them with my business...
Any problem getting them over the "knob" on the end of the LX grips?
Nope! A little Dawn (keyword: *little*) dish soap and some water, smear it around the inside of the grip puppies, and they pretty much slide right over. There was a little resistance, IIRC, but nothing that was insurmountable. They're very stretchable/flexible, so once they're over, you're all set.

The issue with using too much soap is that it will stay slick between the puppy and your OEM grip, which might allow for slippage when twisting the throttle. In this case, less is better...
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Re: girl puppies
xantufrog wrote:
I read what I wanted to read when I saw your thread title...
expected to find pictures of your cute new puppies and instead it was some nonsense about scooters
Sorry to disappoint! Razz emoticon

You have no idea how often that has happened to me...
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Thanks for the heads-up regarding the Grip Puppies. I have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in both hands, so I get some numbness occasionally during my rides. I ordered a pair, and am anxious to see if they help.

I'll report back when they arrive and I've ridden with them.
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MikeyL wrote:
Thanks for the heads-up regarding the Grip Puppies. I have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in both hands, so I get some numbness occasionally during my rides. I ordered a pair, and am anxious to see if they help.

I'll report back when they arrive and I've ridden with them.
Please do, I would love to hear from people with real medical conditions!
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I also get some numbness when riding 30-60 minutes. I associated it with gripping too hard so I've concentrated on lightening my grip. It helps but I still get a bit numb. I was considering a cramp buster but since mostly do varying speeds on the freeways and local highways, it didn't seem the best approach.

Based on the OP recommendation alone, I purchased a pair - $13.31 incl shipping and CA sales tax. I'll report back how they worked out for me on this thread.

Thanks MR. +1 to you.
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Benelli Boy wrote:
I want something like that but for the brake levers - to stop cold hands in winter
yeah me too... some kind of sleeve to slip over the brake levers in winter. I tried a DIY solution with some heat shrink tube, but my results were kind of crappy.

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Ironfoot wrote:
Benelli Boy wrote:
I want something like that but for the brake levers - to stop cold hands in winter
yeah me too... some kind of sleeve to slip over the brake levers in winter. I tried a DIY solution with some heat shrink tube, but my results were kind of crappy.
Ah, thanks for telling me that. You've saved me trying to bodge the same solution.
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muriel wrote:
Originally I was reading this as "gripe puppies". I was wondering, what do they have to gripe about?
That is rich. Clap emoticon
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Mike, you're a marvel.

I tried similar searches a couple of years ago and couldn't find a thing (apart from in the US, and I didn't want to pay more in postage than the item cost).

Thanks a lot.
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I love them. What a difference on long rides.
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It's a pleasure, Simon.
Not only do I have the time, I enjoy 'digging around' in the Internet.
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Miguel wrote:
I also get some numbness when riding 30-60 minutes. I associated it with gripping too hard so I've concentrated on lightening my grip. It helps but I still get a bit numb. I was considering a cramp buster but since mostly do varying speeds on the freeways and local highways, it didn't seem the best approach.

Based on the OP recommendation alone, I purchased a pair - $13.31 incl shipping and CA sales tax. I'll report back how they worked out for me on this thread.

Thanks MR. +1 to you.
Miguel, the Crampbuster works great...and will adjust around any thickness of grip (it uses a nylon backed velcro strip the can be tightened firmly. Don't worry about long term droning at high speed on a scoot, it will work.

Since the Vespa throttle movement is over 300 degrees, it is not as effective for WOT (Wide Open Throttle) use on most scooters for highway use unless it is readjusted to much higher wrist position than street use which is easy to do (by bending it upwards against the friction grip). Nerd emoticon

But on my Harley, the Crampbuster works great (big controls, grips, stiff throttle makes long droning at high speed actually painful. I heartily recommend it as it helps prevent sore wrist on long trips... 8) Also a good call about the Grip Puppies...I'm going to order a set for my Harley...I have plenty of miles on my custom grips and they are looking a little "long on tooth". Laughing emoticon
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Just ordered a pair. Can't wait to try them out. Wondering if they will fit my wife's Buddy 150. Anybody know?

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They come in 2 sizes. Mp3s are 1 inch. if I remember. Love mine. For cold brake levers, maybe what I have would help. I got some black leather ones at a Harley Davidson dealership that lace up. I've been using them for awhile now and I like them. They give a good positive feel, a little more grip. I'm sure they have a dealer in London.
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Grip Puppies
Ordered and installed Grip Puppies last night. Wow, I really like them. My hands are in proportion to my 6'4" frame and the larger grips feel much better in my hands. Also I experienced no numbness at all in my hands due to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.

Thanks for the tip!
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They look interesting, and will definitely consider them when I get my scooter.

Out of interest, I've seen that Vespa have accessory grips for the LX, available in tan which I would get if I had a blue or black with tan bike. Anyone know if these are more comfortable than the standard, or do I get to pay £50 just for a different colour?
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Re: Grip Puppies
[quote="MikeyL"]Ordered and installed Grip Puppies last night. Wow, I really like them. My hands are in proportion to my 6'4" frame and the larger grips feel much better in my hands. Also I experienced no numbness at all in my hands due to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.

Thanks for the tip! [/quote

Glad they helped!
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Just put a pair of these on today - love them!!!

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Bought a pair for my vibey Kawasaki 250 and they made a huge difference. I then bought a pair for my MP3 thinking they wouldn't make much difference but actually they make touring a whole lot more comfortable.

I find they don't work as well if one rides with a "death grip" or rides tense but with a light (but secure) touch and relaxed posture they're great

Hein Gericke now do versions for the grips and the levers (latest catalogue).
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Crampbuster is pretty good and is an alternative
rwong709 wrote:
the Crampbuster works great...
Original Crampbuster Website
MikeyL wrote:
...I have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in both hands, so I get some numbness occasionally during my rides..
I had surgery on my right hand for CTS three weeks ago ... still recuperating. The Crampbuster has been great! Will continue to use it. Also wearing a wrist brace with splint has helped incredibly (before surgery) when riding.

When I still had the stitches, I put the wrist brace with splint on and went for about a 60 mile ride. Wrist brace with splint can be purchased at the local drug store for @ $20 or so. Crampbuster at the local MC shop for less than listed on their website.
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