I went over to SJ BMW yesterday and they had both a demo C650GT and a showroom floor C600 Sport, and I almost went home with the Sport but decided to give them a deposit check on the next 650GT to hit their inventory instead (it would likely be there already but things have been slowed by the storm, hopefully it'll be there in 10 days or so).
This thing rides really well, the 15" wheels are close enough to motorcycle wheels that you no longer have that unstable feeling you get when moving from a big bike to a smaller scooter. I actually liked the ride on the Sport just slightly better but think I just need to play with the preload and/or adjust the backrest on the GT, or perhaps swap seats (unlike most of the journos I actually liked the Sport's better). In the end I couldn't give up the significant extra storage on the GT, which seemed to me to be about a full grocery bag's worth compared to the sport - I'm used to traveling and commuting with a lot of junk in the bags in my Triumph Sprint ST, to which I'll be saying goodbye when the GT arrives. I also like the appearance of the GT a bit better, though the Sport they had in black was just beautiful other than the model decals - the Sport is
much better in black than the blue they're using for the marketing collateral IMHO.
I think I am in that target market BMW may have in mind for these things. My back, hips and knees do not really like being folded up for long periods anymore and these scooters afford a pretty stretched out riding position, the GT even more so. The vibration is also basically imperceptible and there's no weight on your arms at all unless you're leaning forward to put it there on purpose so no more numb hands, etc. On the whole it's a very comfortable and accommodating platform. Could I have gotten the same positioning issues solved on, e.g., an RT or a GTL? Sure, and with a lot more power too, but while the GTL was comfortable, it feels huge by comparison - EDIT: truly a joy to ride but not quite as ideal for a lane splitting commute versus the open road. And I've always been attracted to the CVT and having your legs and feet fully protected by a scooter fairing, esp. since having my foot once nailed by a rock hard enough to really hurt through riding boots!
What made the call for me was that despite having ridden a few scooters (including the MP3 500 and Silverwing), this is the first one that felt like it still had really acceptable passing power on the freeway, once used to a 100+hp motorcycle. It certainly won't launch from lights like the Triumph did (at double the power), or pass with quite the same authority or quickness, but this is *enough* power for me to feel comfortable, safe, and amused, and with lots of storage without either the pain in the rear of a clutch when lane splitting through traffic, or the need to use side bags to carry my stuff to work.
I'll post more thoughts once it arrives and I've had it for some time, but for now, I'm really looking forward to it!
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