Unfortunately my year old MP3-500cc, with me on it, was hit from behind this morning by a cager not paying attention. I came to a halt behind about a half-mile of traffic filtering past an accident and the guy behind me had his attention wander at the wrong moment so he didn't see that I had stopped (or the car in front of me had stopped either, I guess) until it was too late. He tried to brake and attempted a swerve but ended up clipping my back left side, tearing off the top case and apparently forcing the back tire up and in. Thankfully, I was mostly unhurt other than being dropped to the ground somewhat forcefully with a growing bruise on my left buttocks (it provoked all kinds of jokes from the folks at work) as it appears that the bike was pushed right out from under me. The other guy admitted he was at fault and was very upset that he had almost hurt or killed me.
The reason that I am posting this is that I need some advice from smarter, more experienced, MP3 and other scooter/motorcycle riders on this forum. The attached photos show the visible damage to the bike. At some point in time the other guy's insurance company is going to talk about fixing the bike. I believe it is unfixable either by price and/or future safety/stability and should be totaled. What say the crowd? I need a counter-point to whatever they say. Also, the bike was a new-old-stock 2009 bought almost exactly a year ago with only 8100 miles on it. What is it realistically worth in Southern California?
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