Ever since I hurt my knee last week, friends and family have been coming out of the woodwork with 'friendly advice' and 'folksy stories', all of which share a common thread: Stop riding so you will live to see your kids grow up.
I've asked a few of them whether they have said the same thing to their friends and family who have been in car accidents... who smoke... who use recreational drugs (including aclohol)... who ski... who [fill in the blank with behavior more dangerous than sitting at home scratching one's privates].
I don't want to piss anyone off, but they are really starting to freak me out.
I'm about at the point where the next do-gooder who tries to button hole me with a story about 'his friend's cousin's brother who lost a leg riding a motorcycle', I'm going to yell into their well-meaning face something like:
"This kind of crap is seriously shaking my confidence. If I die on the road because I was riding timidly or without conviction, I want you to tell my wife and kids it was all your fault!!!!"