Paladin wrote:
My father had his first heart attack before he was 35, his 6th was fatal at 44. He was a Detroit Cop, riding a motorcycle all year, rain, snow, 8 hours a day. He told Mum that he could not live in a cage, or working a desk.
I am doing better. I had my first heart attack at 50. I had a triple bypass at 63, should have been a fourth but my heart is partially dead with a Ejection Factor of 25%. Which means I *cannot* run more than about 25 feet, or briskly walk more than 300 feet. The heart surgery involves internal clots and 3 weeks later one broke loose, causing a stroke. Fortunately did not break anything physical. Unfortunately it broke language, I could only say "I'm Fine!" I now have Apraxia & Aphasia. And I am losing my hearing. But it could be worse. At least I can still ride.
And that is the bottom line. As we age, the pains increase. But as long as I can ride, the pain is bearable. If I can't ride, I don't need the pain.
I too had a heart attack at 45 and a quadruple bypass at 58[beat you by one] 8) I'm waiting for an angioplasty on my leg and have trouble walking.
yesterday I went out on the scooter in the pissing rain, cold temperature and lunatic car/bus/truck drivers,,,,fucking loved it.
Today I'm flying over to Phoenix from London for a holiday,,,,,stuff the deep vain thrombosis bollox,,,the plane's more than likely going to fall out of the sky over northern Canada.....if we survive that we'll all freeze to death or get eaten by bears FFS
Merry Christmas