I have been thinking of getting a second scooter and have this romantic notion of 2 strokes but after weighing pros and cons i've thought of compromising and am now considering a 4 stroke Stella. To begin with it's a hundred peso( almost two thousand dollar) less than a Vespa PX and glad to know that the vibration issues have been dealt with. I've disregarded the "but it's not a Vespa" argument too. So it was almost a go until i stumbled into yesterdays topic on the Stella scooters and was disheartened by considerable negative comments most especially on newly acquired ones. I visited the modern buddy forum and again the same complaints. A thread on MV mentioned Stella's inferiority in terms of fit and finish, quality of it's rubber parts and an electrical issue due to abrasions. So before i make a decision may I hear more from Stella owners out there. Thanks!