After posting on the general forum, I decided to ask Vespa Boston to break down my crashed 2001 ET2 into the salvageable parts, in the hopes I could recoup some of the costs to buy a new bike.
At it's young death it had 3036 miles and was running great. I've got the engine with rear wheel and kick starter still attached, blue seat, tail cover, instrument cluster, handlebar cover, gas tank, and oil tank. Everything was removed from Vespa Boston earlier this week, and they've got the most recent service in their computer (all other service was done at Vespa Madison, Wisconsin and they've got a service record on file as well). I also have the vin, which was cut from the scooter.
Everything is from the original bike, with some custom painting done last year (original color is pearl, some panels were painted red).
I'm a medical student, without lots of free time, so I'd love to sell everything together if possible. In looking through old ebay postings and online parts, it looks like $700ish would be a fair price for everything.
Please shoot me a message if interested: benr at hms dot harvard dot edu