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White GTS125 - Milo - 2009-2012 Red GTS Super 300 - Watson - 2012 - 2014. Silver Vespa GTS 250 - Carter - 2014
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Had my first ride with full licence tonight, drove down from the North in our car then gave Milo a little ride
It's a bit cold though so wasn't out long
I did feel different not having the L plates on!!!
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@fledermaus avatar
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Congrats! Has to feel just a *bit* different. I'm still on a temporary license and am looking forward to the satisfaction of being fully licensed. I know the system's a bit different across the pond, but the feeling's the same.
@beijingtom avatar

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Enjoy the ride! Even cold wet weather brings a smile to a Scooterist..but watch the wet spots this winter!
@scewter avatar

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Congratulations! Welcome to the wonderful world of scooter freedom!

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Congratulations Kittysaz! Please remember to always ride like a Learner. It's a whole lot safer that way.
@dailyrider28465 avatar

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Mia Dolce II 2017 GTV 300, Ragazzo Vespa 946, Il Pazzo BV 350, & Mia Dolce GTV 250 -sold-
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Congratulations and we expect a ride report on your 230 mile GTS trip!
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