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2016 Vespa GTS 300 i.e. ABS sold, 2010 Vespa GTS 300 ie Super (sold) & 2003 Honda Shadow VT750 ACE (sold) & 2006 Vespa LX150 (sold)
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2016 Vespa GTS 300 i.e. ABS sold, 2010 Vespa GTS 300 ie Super (sold) & 2003 Honda Shadow VT750 ACE (sold) & 2006 Vespa LX150 (sold)
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I got the large Cuppini screen mainly for my hands. As others have mentioned the wind really chills the hands.

The screen did a really good job for the hands. Otherwise I hated the look, and I found that at night the two layers of glare (windscreen plus visor) sometimes made seeing things a problem and rain was a challenge as well.

One thing I didn't expect was backdraft. I wasn't getting wind from the front, rather a draft on my back. At the end of a commute in the rain, the back of my jacket was like the rear window of an SUV: filthy.

I cut the screen down to mid height and liked the look, solved the glare, solved the backdraft, but got a lot of turbulence with painful noise in my helmet.

I cut it down to fly screen height and now I'm happy. I still get protection for my hands, like the look, and no drawbacks.

For those thinking of cutting screens, I know there are how to's out there but I took it to a local glass shop after I found out that's where the local motorsports dealer had screens cut. Very happy with their work.

PS: posting from an iPhone can be a pain.
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2007 LX150 2015 GTS (running like a charm!) 2017 BV 350
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I thought I'd seen my (LX150) windscreen at ScooterWest for $199...can't seem to find it now. Supposedly free shipping for that amount. Wound up getting mine at Vespa Madison for same price plus demonstrated installation...bit too far to drive, perhaps, but price was same. Might be worth a call..........
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