recently i installed a polini 9 roller vriator for a forum member in Belgium(note it's a 125cc IE just like i have), i noticed he had a problem that his belt has been rubbing against the engine casing badly at the front pulley.
he told me that this was since he put in the Dr pulley 6,5gr sliders in his stock variator and he was forced to go back to the stock rollers.
hence the polini variator, he liked some more acceleration.
Wel this got me thinking because i have the same exact engine and Dr pulley setup if mine was also rubbing that badly.
So i took the cover and variator off and i noticed mine was only rubbing a little, nothing to worry about but is seems that my engine casing was a bit deeper at that point then that forum member's casing or am i incorrect and is there no difference in dept ?
ps the interval between opening his variator and mine was almost a week.
ps2 : i ut in the red springs in the clutch while i was at it to see of this will make the acceleration faster without bogging but i will report in another thread about this when i had the chance to test it.