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SFvsr wrote:
I never offered my real name to anyone here.
Not entirely true.
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Bar Italia Classics wrote:
SFvsr wrote:
I never offered my real name to anyone here.
Not entirely true.
This is true, but not entirely the point of what I wrote previously.

This whole internet thing has created an environment where people mistake casual acquaintance for heart-matching friendship. I'm not maligning such casual relationships, but I am stating there is a difference. And if you have someone's name you shouldn't use it until you've been formally introduced. Anyone who refer's to me as Chris is proof-positive they don't know me and have never been introduced to me. I'd prefer SFvsr here, but I can't keep anyone from doing what they want. The rule is: If you get a Christmas card from me I'm creeping on you 'cause I got your address from somewhere.
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maybe you should go to the photo of yourself and blur out the face on it. can't have people taking liberties and saying hello if they see you. after all, they know your from Frisco...
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jackson85 wrote:
maybe you should go to the photo of yourself and blur out the face on it. can't have people taking liberties and saying hello if they see you. after all, they know your from Frisco...
Frisco? You watch too much television.

And, for god's sake, I'm not hiding, I'm simply saying relationships have certain qualities that should be respected.
@lynnb avatar

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Enough guys, we worked it out. Lets not ruin a good thread.
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SFvsr wrote:
jackson85 wrote:
maybe you should go to the photo of yourself and blur out the face on it. can't have people taking liberties and saying hello if they see you. after all, they know your from Frisco...
Frisco? You watch too much television.

And, for god's sake, I'm not hiding, I'm simply saying relationships have certain qualities that should be respected.
chill out lad I'm just having the laugh.
the Frisco part was in reference to the Frisco Chris stuff that was getting chucked about a while back
SFvsr has been ejected from this topic

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sorry lads. ill stick to topic
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back to the 8" 10" bit ........ dosent the low front end make for a wheelie machine
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