Thanks to Ponydrvr's great work (as always), for which I am most appreciative as it freed me to work on some other things that needed to be done, among other things my HID kit and Flash2Pass are now installed. All I can say is "wow!". The HIDs definitely make a difference, as attested do by a nice ride through a nice, dark winding park road.
Also, the Flash2Pass is great, and I wanted to note, for the record that yes, you can tap it into pretty much any live 12V feed with an added default open momentary switch, and it will work perfectly even if it would give you problems on the headlight line with ballasts installed for the HIDs. In this case I have mine tapped into the horn circuit so it is only live when the bike's key is turned or the bike is running, and it works like a charm with two taps of the momentary switch.