The main problem I am having is that the scooter will rev as long as I keep the throttle twisted, it just takes a long time for the scooter to rev. It's acting as if I'm trying to start out in 2nd gear. I slowly let the clutch out, but it won't have enough power to get it to go. It's very odd. And when I am revving it in neutral, it seems like the motor is trying to spin a 20lbs flywheel, like its slowly revving. The throttle cable is not catching at all and the slide, cable and throttle all move very freely. Even if I remove the throttle cable and pull the throttle slide by hand, it still rev's slow.
BTW, when I take the spark plug out to look at the tip, its very wet with what seems like oil. It does smoke quite a bit on start up, but that is normal isn't it?
Please help me!!
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