Part of the consequences of the bloke running over my bike (the twat is claiming it was partly my fault despite me not being anywhere near it, and he not using his mirrors (all to get out of a measly £100)) .. is that I am not sure whether there was a slight gap under the front of the central retainer for the screen ..
Basically, on the outside of the screen, I have a 1/2 inch gap where the screen was bent out of position .. is it supposed to be flat to the bodywork? (May be a bent retaining screw or something).
Also, where he hit the exhaust protection where the silver & black joins, there's a gap. It doesn't look right, and may need taken off and reseated? Again, is it supposed to be flush? All just vanity reasons really, but would like to get back to half normal.
If anyone can post close ups, it'd be appreciated.