1961 motovespa 150s
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Location: Omagh, Ireland
1961 motovespa 150s
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Location: Omagh, Ireland
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Can anyone tell or show me a pic of the rear shocks on a gt where the rubber bushing goes and should there be two per shock, one above and under body?
ps tried to fit new shocks, tried to remove air filter, broke the head off one screw and another one refuses to budge anyone got any tips for an easier way to do this or even remove the screws.
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1975 Vespa GTR 125, 1976 Vespa V90 (Resto), 2001 Vespa ET4 125 (Sold), 2009 Vespa GTS300 Super
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1975 Vespa GTR 125, 1976 Vespa V90 (Resto), 2001 Vespa ET4 125 (Sold), 2009 Vespa GTS300 Super
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Take a look at the exploded diagrams for your GT on the SIP Scooter web site - they should show you what the standard fittings are and what goes where...


You might need to pick through these layouts - SIP seem to lump a lot of modern Vespas together like the ET4, GT etc.

If that's no good, try the equivalent on the Suttons web page...


If you're buy from either site, check prices and shipping - Suttons ship from Milton Keynes, SIP ship from Germany.

On either site you should be able to see pics of shocks. The SIP pics are better quality and can be zoomed to check small details.

Good luck with it
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