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Piaggio BV250 Touring
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@robert_olson avatar
Piaggio BV250 Touring
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I was going to remove the cover of the air cleaner to see if it needed cleaning. As I started to remove the cover oil ran out. quite a bit . Is there supposed to be oil in the housing. OR.. did ythat get in when I dropped the bike on its side while it was running. fortunately I was standing still, Not sure what happened, but I went over.
Should I go ahead and remove the cover and clean the oil out?

I heard some are installing K&N cone filters instead. Any Comments?
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2005 GT 200
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2005 GT 200
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First of all welcome to the forum Mr. Olson. Yes, the air filter probably got saturated with oil when the scooter fell over while it was running. The oil entered by way of the crankcase ventilation system. Clean and reinstall the air filter as per the instructions in the service manual. Be sure to wipe out any excess oil from the airbox and check your engine oil level before proceeding.

I personally would stay with an oem air filter.
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