davidcha wrote:
I lived in Detroit in the late 70's through early 80's, during my high school years. Man, Woodward Avenue evokes a lot of memories! You could always find someone to drag race on Woodward, especially between 6 and 8 Mile Roads, and plenty of places to find beer in between. Fights in those days were mostly fists and sometimes a chain would swing by. I built up a Cutlass 442 that could hold its own fairly well, but it only got about 6MPG and I always struggled with having enough gas money for cruising.
Ah, youth...now, I just yell at people for driving too fast down my street.
I sure wish I could go to this.
I fully understand your recollection! Time period and what was acceptable!
This was my first time to the Woodward Dream Cruise. I had an absolutely great time ... I am planning next year!!!
Aside of all the way, way, real way, cool cars ... saw a couple of Buddies, Ruckus', and Vino's parked along Woodward. Saw two Vespa 150's go past as we lunched at the Irish Pub on Maple in Birmingham. Chatted with rider and passenger on a Spyder on Woodward and as we chatted I said I came in on a GTV250 from the North Coast. Rider looked VERY surprised!
Any MV'ers, were you there? Where? We were parked at Woodward and Maple.
Met many locals! Great time!!! There is always next year!!!