Bill Dog wrote:
Last night I bribed a friend to come and see The Grand Budapest Hotel with me.
No regrets as it was totally and utterly amazing.
The most original,funny and inventive movie I've seen in years and Ralph Fiennes is just amazing in the lead role.
Go see it.
Bill xxx
No regrets as it was totally and utterly amazing.
The most original,funny and inventive movie I've seen in years and Ralph Fiennes is just amazing in the lead role.
Go see it.
Bill xxx
Awesome news on the house Genie, very pleased for you. You are now a woman of property
Fixed my broken laptop keyboard yesterday by installing a new one with a little help from my techy cousin and a You Tube video. Total cost - £25 for the new keyboard. Result. Every day's a learning day...
Great weekend for bike lift testing, scoot tinkering and sunny riding... 8)