stickyfrog wrote:
Why would they want you to change the title to something that the book isn't about? Makes no sense.
one word: marketability. there is a word in the title that's not in the vocabulary of your average 14-year-old, and they're worried that its presence will interfere with sales. so they've suggested a substitute that
can mean the same thing if you use it in a sloppy vernacular way, but actually doesn't mean the same thing at all in the context i'm writing about ...
i'd hoped that the detailed proposal i wrote for them would have made this clear, but perhaps they didn't read it
they've been very reasonable so far, so i'm sure we'll come to some sort of mutually satisfactory arrangement, but it's sad to see this kind of ignorance on the editorial board of such a renowned publisher.
Alice: the book is about fashion photography so there's bound to be something sexy and irrelevant on the cover no matter what