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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@got_mine avatar
2007 LX190 RIP 1980 Honda CM400T SOLD 2013 Shadow 750 RIP
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Silver Streak wrote:
Heh... obviously you don't know gotmine. He was the fearless terror of the freeways on his old LX150! US Rt. 50 (6+ lanes around here) and the Washington Beltway is his everyday commute.
Clown emoticon Did you know that if you draft a semi on a LX on I95 you can break 73 actual ? Clown emoticon

The 400 will hold 60-65 all day long and not even break a sweat. I think it is doing 6 grand on the tach with a couple of thousand to go before it gets close to red line. At 80 it shakes a little bit more the the Vespa did though...

Morning SilverStreak.
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2016 Vespa GTS 300 i.e. ABS sold, 2010 Vespa GTS 300 ie Super (sold) & 2003 Honda Shadow VT750 ACE (sold) & 2006 Vespa LX150 (sold)
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@david_masse avatar
2016 Vespa GTS 300 i.e. ABS sold, 2010 Vespa GTS 300 ie Super (sold) & 2003 Honda Shadow VT750 ACE (sold) & 2006 Vespa LX150 (sold)
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got mine wrote:
Clown emoticon Did you know that if you draft a semi on a LX on I95 you can break 73 actual ? Clown emoticon
... he he he... YES SIR!! been there, done that what a blast!
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