First off, I went through this whole carb adjustment thing a couple of years ago with my first 50s, but this time I'm looking for a couple of specific things.
My 50s is midly kitted, and as per my previous thread, I'm in the process of finding out what I have "under the hood". I now know, because I just took it out, that I have a stock dellorto SHB 16.16. I'll pull it apart to look at the jetting.
My rookie mistake, was that I started fiddling with it before noting the current settings. I did this because even though it was running well, It wasn't idling so well, and I needed to use the throttle at the lights otherwise it would stall. So I thought I'd adjust the idle screw...trouble was I adjusted the wrong screw and changed the A/F screw...Doh
So, my questions are;
1. Even though the mantra here is 1.5 turns to start, the article at vespa maintenance relating to a dellorto SHB 19.19 says to set it to 2.5 turns and leave it. Does anyone know if the factory setting of 1.5 turns relates to the bigger large frame carbs, and that my carb may have a different "factory" setting, [ not to be confused with the Spaco 2.5 turns ]?
2. Is it typical to adjust the carb jet to allow for kitting, with the other settings remaining the same. In other words, can I assume the A/F screw is still adjusted the same for kitted / non kitted engines, and that the additional fuel required for a kitted engine is taken care of with a larger jet? In other other words, adjustment is still 1.5 turns, [or 2.5]..kitted or not?