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@gtsparks avatar
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Don't know if anyone has come across this before?

I've just noticed that the trim on my vespa has gone a strange milky colour just in certain places! Its not been in an accident or anything so I can't think what this could be or why it might have happened?
I've attached some pics..
Any ideas?

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@shebalba avatar
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IMO that trim is the most vulnerable/delicate part of my Vespa's finish. I've been amazed at how simple impact or abrasion against it has resulted in significant markings.

I once dropped a US quarter coin from my pocket and it ricocheted off the molding, taking a huge chunk out of it.

Do you ride with a Thermoscud or any cold weather protection that might have caused the 'milky' color? Is it consistent throughout the entire molding or just in certain areas? How about using any abrasive cleaners or polishes?

It looks concentrated near the rear foot rest. Do you ride two up a lot? Perhaps this is from a passenger getting on and off?
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@boraxman avatar
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Not sure why it changed color but I will say its not fun to change it out, did one side on my GTS and it took a good bit of time and effort.

BTW replacement are available at MotorSport Scooters - Scooterwest.com (nevermind I see you are in UK so may have a closer source)
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