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my beauty had suffer small scratches from stupid mistake I've made-
slippery epoxy floor+water....
so I decided to fixed it by myself and change my GTS appearing ,I bought
some body repair materials (filler ,send papers ,silicon liquid etc..) and 2 spray cans of car paint (by my preference ,without the need for compressor and air brush).
3 hours of working and it done-love it!

hope you like it too.

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Looks great!

I've got some experience with PPG paint in a rattle can. I can see by the pics that you did a lot of sanding. Did you buff it and/or use a clear coat?

GTS 250 2012
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thank you for your positive reply.
I used direct gloss paint (no need for clear coat ),today I've worked
on the paint with very fine send paper (no.2500) combined with water and soap,after that I polished the paint and waxed it with Carnova wax.
outstanding results!
and off course I put the decals back...
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Re: re
eranb wrote:
thank you for your positive reply.
I used direct gloss paint (no need for clear coat ),today I've worked
on the paint with very fine send paper (no.2500) combined with water and soap,after that I polished the paint and waxed it with Carnova wax.
outstanding results!
and off course I put the decals back...
Great job. I've used these custom paints on classic cars, i.e., trunks, under hood areas and frame work. Saves you a bundle of cash, but still using quality paint. The single stage enamel really turns out nice if your'e willing to put in lots of work.

BTW some think this is a paint you buy in a hardware store..NOT.
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Looks better than I could muster!
Looks rather masculine executive. (if that is a description)
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Very cool.

GTS 250ie "gone" & others vintage
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GTS 250ie "gone" & others vintage
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You can also paint the black plastic on the lower part of the fork
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