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My 2008 FJR1300 (https://modernvespa.com/forum/topic124824?highlight=fjr) was getting delivered on April 4th but I got another phone call with really bad news.

He was in the hospital because his blood thinner (Pl@vix) caused him to bleed into his stomach. He threw up the blood twice on March 22nd and 23rd and he was doing better after that. He was just weak from the blood lose. He was going to be moved to a rehab facility on the 1st. He died at the age of 84 while he was being spoon fed in his hospital bed. Up until then, he was doing fine.

I've given condolences to others here who've lost their dads and I thought I had a handle on how they felt. I was off by 1000 fold.

THIS SUCKS Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon

I don't even feel bad for myself. I feel bad that the world lost someone that was a great human being.

Wake is today (Sunday) and the funeral is on Monday.
The good thing is that he was never in pain from the time that he got sick, through his sudden death. We asked him every day and he just said his knee was soar (arthritis).

This sucks. I cried about 10 times while typing this post. Going to bed now.
Please keep the Poinvil family and their loved ones in your thoughts.

For all who've lost - Colin Hey (Remember Men at Work)

Now I'm really going to bed.

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You've joined a club that nobody wants to be a member of. You have my deepest condolences on your loss.

I hope that your memories of him will help console you, and that you will be able to live your life in such a way that others will consider you a fitting tribute to your dad.
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My condolences. The only loss that could even compare would be the loss of a child.
May your dad rest in peace.

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Condolences. Be strong.
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My heart breaks for you and your family tonight.
I lost my father 3 ½ years ago, and miss him madly. He comes to me almost daily in some of the most random situations--- whenever I do something he would have done --- a phrase, a mannerism, a joke he'd tell. I smile and say hello to him when it happens.

It's OK to hurt. But then remember the good times shared. Know that he is with you at all times, until you catch your time to join him.

SharpColorado uses the phrase, "People are forever," and he is right. Prayers are going for you and your family for peace and strength in this sad time.

Be well.
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My thoughts are with you. I know how you are feeling....
Remember your dad at his very best.... And hold onto that. It helps.
Be kind to yourself too....
Many hugs
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I'm so sorry Rich.
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The best to you in these very difficult days. Been there myself.....
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Memory Eternal!
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It is hard to put into words.
I always thought my parents where forever.
I am sending healing thoughts your way.
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bradford bull
its proper shit mate .... been there done that ..... it DOES get easier .....

i was 35 n me dad wa 65 .... hardly saw him after i was 18 as me step mum threw me out n wouldnt let me visit ... probably saw him once a year ... still miss the bugger n im sure he visits me now
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My father passed to years ago at the age of 93. I miss him every day and I feel your pain. Sorry for your lose.
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I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

I lost my dad when I was 17 (61 now) and still think about him most days. He died on a Sunday and I insisted on going to school on Monday. All my friends kept away as they didn't know what to say to me. I just wanted someone to hug me.

I'm sending you a hug.

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Condolences on you loss
Sorry for your loss. Healing thoughts and prayers sent your way.


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My sympathies.

If he lived very well and healthy to 84, it sounds like a wonderful full life!

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Deepest condolences to you and yours. My dad is nearing his end and those thoughts are.. well they are what they are.

If I could I would be near you and not say a word.

He would want you to be at peace as he is. You'll get there, just think about what his advice for you would be right now.


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My old mum passed away 20 years ago and dad 17 years ago, it felt strange to think I became an Orphan at 50 and won't be calling anyone Mum and Dad again.
It's taken a long time to come to grips with it, especial when I worked with my Dad for quite a few years,,,,before I retired I still looked around and asked my Dad to pass me this or hand me that. But he wasn't there any more.
So now, like you, I have to carry on, getting my own "this or that" It gets better and you find ways to cope, especially when you turn around and find that tool you was looking for, right by your side....you just know your old Dad put it there..

take care
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My sincerest condolences. My father passed away in 1985. I still think of and remember the sound of his voice. It's my way of keeping him with me.
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Sincerest condolences, this is never easy. Our thought and wishes are with you and yours.
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Still Here
Sorry for your loss, Rich.

When speaking about my dad, whom passed away four years ago, I don't use the phrase "My Dad used to say...", or "My Dad would have liked that..."

Instead, I say
"My Dad says..."
"My Dad would like to see that..."

because I know his spirit. He still is, and always will be a great influence on my life.

People are forever.
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I'm so sorry for your loss. There's been a good bit of wisdom in this thread and hopefully you can find some comfort in it. My own father passed from cancer when i was 12. My mother died in 2006. She's still makes frequent appearances in my dreams. I have come to think that perhaps that means there is something to the phrase "always with you"

*awkward Internet hug*

Be there for your family, but make sure you take care of yourself.
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Sincerest condolences. Words never suffice when one's Dad goes. I still have a hole in my heart from losing mine.
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Can't add more to what others have said. Can say I know those feels too much.

Hope you find peace with it. It can take a while but you will get there.
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Terrible news. So sorry to hear about this.

Stay strong. You will get through this. It's never easy. But you will make it. Keep him in your heart. Nothing can take that away from you.
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Rich - offering condolences, healing mojo and hugs your way.

I, too, have suffered the loss of a parent and while it is devastating now, it will get easier with time. Cherish your memories of your father.
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Sincerest condolences Rich. I don't think anyone can prep for this although we all expect that our parents will not live forever. Always remember the good and don't dredge up the bad. One day, you will be left with a nice warm feeling, but for the time being, you have to go through this process.

My Dad passed away of a massive heart attack in 1982. I had the chance to spend enough time with him before he left his mortal shell. I then lost my older brother to an aggressive cancer in 2008. My bro and I had been estranged for over 10 years but I made sure to mend the relationship before he passed on. I think of both of them almost daily.

I wish you peace and fond memories.

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So so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad when i was 20 and my mom at 25. Never really them knew as an adult (well my mom a little) but i was still in college when my dad passed. It takes time and they are always with you. Firm believer in that. The funeral was the hardest thing IMHO. Take some time for yourself. Ride your new bike. Your dad would of wanted that. We here for you

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I'm very sorry to hear this. I lost my dad in 2001, It's a type of grief that can't be explained to someone who hasn't experienced it. It will get better though. I will remember you in my prayers.
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Lost my Pops July 2011 and MV helped me thru it also. There are no words, it just plain sucks. As independent as I'd always been and wanted to be losing my Father forced me to trust a higher power more and my immediate family because he was one person I knew would be there in my darkest hour. My parents are both watching over us now, I've found peace with that. Just one more run to the restaurant, one more ride in the car. Etc.....just sucks.

Holding your hand pal...

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. In your heart he will always be with you.

My father died in 1985. I think of him often, see other people and think "they look like Daddy", dream of him often and it's like he's still here. Last thing I ever said to him, as I was leaving late one afternoon, "I love you Daddy." I'm ALWAYS grateful those were my last words to my father. The next morning at work I got the phone call that he had passed away, but he is never that far away.

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It's a right punch in the gut, no bruises but it hurts like hell. Lost my Dad to cancer when he was 59, 28 years ago. I still think about him everyday. As time goes on the hurt gets less and the appreciation for have known him gains.
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My condolences to you and your family. I wish you peace.
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Sorry for your loss, Rich. The bigger part of your life they had, the harder to be left by them, but regardless, it's a painful loss. My dad's been gone for 25 years, and though we weren't especially close, it was a pretty devastating loss, and I still miss him and would love to have his helping hand or advice so often. There's never enough time.

Thoughts and prayers with you and your family.
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I will. You and your family will be in my thoughts. I lost my Dad when I was 14 years old. If I live another three years I will have outlived him. I still cherish his legacy. That has never died in me. So in a way the loss comes with the promise of something, in a way, wonderful.
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Too much bad news this weekend. A friend's niece who was born premature died today. She lived only six days.

Condolences to you and your family. Seems he was loved and appreciated until the end. We all can only hope for that.
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Our deepest condolences for your loss. Horrible.
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May your happy memories console you, and may he rest in peace. Sincere condolences on your great loss.
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My condolences
I'm mostly a lurker these days because I don't have a Vespa right now, but this post made me want to log in and offer my condolences. I've never been where you are but you have my deepest sympathies.
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We don't have to know each other to to share the same pain. My heart goes out to you. I lost my dad in 1974, he was 59. Not a day goes by that I don't
miss him. Time does help but in the mean time don't deny yourself the right to grieve and feel sorry for yourself. You'll be in my prayers.
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Re: My dad died on Tuesday
Rpoinvil1 wrote:
I've given condolences to others here who've lost their dads and I thought I had a handle on how they felt. I was off by 1000 fold.

THIS SUCKS Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon

I know exactly what you mean. My dad died from complications of Alzheimer's on 2-1-14. Due to some family members not being able to get out here due to weather we had a memorial service for him yesterday on his 60th anniversary. He was 82 . Even though the Alzheimer's was so bad that in some ways his passing was blessed relief; it still hit us all very hard. All the relatives sharing stories of good times with my dad helped as did the passage of time.

My thoughts go out to your family.
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