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A quick question.....



I'm swapping the components from one rusty ET4 125 frame to a better condition frame.

I've forgotten which way the headset bearings fit.

Obviously the large one at the bottom and the smaller one at the top of the headset....but which way should they be oriented?.....I've seen pictures of both ways....

I'm sure there will be some rule to which way around they go....can anyone help me with this please...

Thanks in advance...


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What I suppose I'm asking is do the bearing races fit with the ball bearings uppermost or down?
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Not to worry.... I'll call the local bearings shop, they'll know..
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you want the cage portion at the bottom against the race and the exposed balls at the top for both the lower and the upper.

hope that helps!

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@fabio_dougie avatar
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Thanks Greasy - very much appreciated !!!
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