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Hello all,

Im pretty near to timing the Rally200 restore and was wondering about the timing. I think stock is 24btdc

My cylinder has had a rebore to take it to 211 and Ive put on a non stock SIP Road(does the exhaust make any difference??)

Im on 'standard' unleaded UK fuel too...

Should I be aiming at 23 or 22??

Thanks Kevin
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Re: Rebored Rally-BTDC??
fraggleexport wrote:
Hello all,

Im pretty near to timing the Rally200 restore and was wondering about the timing. I think stock is 24btdc

My cylinder has had a rebore to take it to 211 and Ive put on a non stock SIP Road(does the exhaust make any difference??)

Im on 'standard' unleaded UK fuel too...

Should I be aiming at 23 or 22??

Thanks Kevin
well, either. stock is 23, but that is plus or minus a degree.

you're honestly trying to pick fly shit out of pepper at that point; i've even seen timing flutter almost a degree depending on RPM sometimes.
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rob hodge wrote:
you're honestly trying to pick fly shit out of pepper at that
Never heard that expression before. But I like it.
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Good man thanks Rob. I'll try and use that phrase in the office tomorrow Laughing emoticon
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AlanMac wrote:
rob hodge wrote:
you're honestly trying to pick fly shit out of pepper at that
Never heard that expression before. But I like it.
well, ain't that dandy!

now... let me tell you about king shit of turd mountain over yonder!

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greasy125 wrote:
AlanMac wrote:
rob hodge wrote:
you're honestly trying to pick fly shit out of pepper at that
Never heard that expression before. But I like it.
well, ain't that dandy!

now... let me tell you about king shit of turd mountain over yonder!

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Yes - the SIP road makes a big difference.
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Hi Neb,
Yeah, I thought it should, just trying to find a ball park of how many I go up on the main jet. Standard is a 118. Ive got a 124 and 126 in my arsenal. Cant imagine it should need more than that???
All irrelevant if I cant get it started again Might tighten the flywheel up next time and do things one at a time

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fraggleexport wrote:
Hi Neb,
Yeah, I thought it should, just trying to find a ball park of how many I go up on the main jet. Standard is a 118. Ive got a 124 and 126 in my arsenal. Cant imagine it should need more than that???
All irrelevant if I cant get it started again Might tighten the flywheel up next time and do things one at a time

it makes a big difference in performance- but as far as jetting it's a minor bump. i've even had a few bikes that didn't need an upjet at all when going to one from stock.

really depends on the bike and the rest of the stack, honestly.
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