Not much worse than a good case of road rash...
Back in the bike racing days I was racing in the NM State Championship road race - about 35 miles into it (100 miles total); On a speedy downhill (probably 45+ mph) was pushed into a crack in the road and front wheel got stuck - did a complete endo over the front and landed on my butt, holding the bike up in the air so it didn't get damaged (I was a poor bike racer, what can I say...) Slid probably 100+ feet on cheese-grater like pavement and shredded both butt cheeks pretty bad.
Had to ride in the support vehicle for the next 65+ miles laying on my belly with blood kinda oozing all over. Then it got fun!
2 hours after the race finished (one of my teammates won! yay!), we packed up for an already planned trip from Albuquerque to Quincy, Illinois for a major stage race and since I couldn't sit, I had to lay on my belly again in the back of our team truck for a non-stop 18 hour drive to the race where we stayed with a host family when not on our bikes.
I had just enough skin left in my butt crack (sorry for the visual
) that I could still sit on a bicycle seat so racing was OK other than the bloody bike shorts every stage. I literally couldn't sit on a chair again for almost 4 weeks - everywhere I went I had to either stand up or lay on my belly.
Yes, road rash sucks!
Side note - I won the stage race with the help of my teammates and was announced as being an international rider from the country of New Mexico
... Gotta love the midwest sometimes.
Desi B>