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bendcyclist wrote:
I saw a totally filthy homeless guy walking through town carrying two different sized Yoga balls, one under each arm. What the?
Maybe wants to get rid of them since they failed to improve his life.
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Now these are pancakes.
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Heavyvino wrote:
Now these are pancakes.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.
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the syrup will get everywhere as there is no plate to catch it! I advise digging a hole in the middle, laying the hole bits in a new top layer and filling the hole up... then eat in a way that makes the hole grow but continues to contain the syrup.

I am moderately jealous. the pancakes at the Potato Shack (odd, huh) are massive, but you only get one
it's not a picture of me.  I'm not that cruel
it's not a picture of me. I'm not that cruel
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I got two.
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Playing with the merchandise
Display shelf at a big box craft store..bored husband you think?
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Re: Playing with the merchandise
flordian wrote:
Display shelf at a big box craft store..bored husband you think?
yep, that's getting emailed round the office.
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Poland video
Scooter lane splits, gets passed by bicycle lane splitting same lane ...crazy! Bad results..

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Had to slam on the brakes today to avoid a pedestrian that sprinted into the road.

Mind, this was on 280.
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I saw a guy trying to hitchhike on I-5. Not near the on-ramp, but on the freeway itself in an area with no shoulder. Hopefully he got a ride by the state troopers to our county hospital for an evaluation...
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Funny weird. While riding through France to World Vespa in Italy last week, rode past a large truck horse transporter that looked like it had been converted into a motor home. And on the back where it normally would have said 'Horses', it said 'Humans'. Raised a smile on a long ride
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I got call the "F" word by a motorist. An "f'ing" F word nontheless.
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Max6200 wrote:
I got call the "F" word by a motorist. An "f'ing" F word nontheless.
At least he/she didn't say you were on a f**ing moped. Clown emoticon
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Max6200 wrote:
I got call the "F" word by a motorist. An "f'ing" F word nontheless.
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Syd wrote:
Max6200 wrote:
I got call the "F" word by a motorist. An "f'ing" F word nontheless.
Fabulous rider on a ferocious moped, no doubt!
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I saw this, taken at work today........
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I should mention that it's dust kicked up by a strong winds, not rain or drizzle.
It is also the depths of winter here.

Droughts and flooding rains indeed (from our National Anthem for the non-dusty on here).
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Max6200 wrote:
I got call the "F" word by a motorist. An "f'ing" F word nontheless.
Are you a player on the Los Angeles Kings?

Here's our mayor saluting their winning the Stanley Cup:

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Was in my local office supply store. Was looking for something when I noticed the sign and what was below it....
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This is your Pilot, Ray Charles speaking...
Spotted in a Customs facility.
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I saw Ol' Ben Kenobi
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A couple weeks ago, I came to a stop at an intersection. I was just to the right of, and behind a big yellow school bus filled with rowdy middle school kids.

It was hot and the bus windows were down. Several boys +/- 12 years elected to holler at me and try to act like goofs. One took a big chug of water from a bottle and tried like hell to spit it at me, but I was just out of his range. I egged him on, laughing. He ended up spraying down the back the black BMW convertible just ahead of me with his watery discharge... I got a good chuckle out of it. I doubt the lady in the BMW felt the same.
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Saw a farm shop that sold Rare Breed Sausages

Wonder if they had any dodo salami?
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Re: This is your Pilot, Ray Charles speaking...
HoneyBadger wrote:
Spotted in a Customs facility.
Once upon a recent time, at a hospital where I used to work, they were upgrading all the door signs (similar to above) with Braille "dots" - only get this - the dots weren't raised!!!

If you ran your fingers over them, there was no way whatsoever to tell what the sign said in Braille!

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So while I was Heathrow Airport collecting Genie I saw a dishevelled gentleman face down and unable to walk laying a prone position being attended to by members of security then later police.
He looked just a bit homeless so why he'd made the trip all the way to the airport I'll never know because I doubt he had a passport.
I doubt he even had an address.

Bill xxx
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Re: terminal
Bill Dog wrote:
So while I was Heathrow Airport collecting Genie I saw a dishevelled gentleman face down and unable to walk laying a prone position being attended to by members of security then later police.
He looked just a bit homeless so why he'd made the trip all the way to the airport I'll never know because I doubt he had a passport.
I doubt he even had an address.

Bill xxx
That is sad

Maybe he headed to the airport to seek help. It is good to know they were helping him. So many times the less fortunate end up suffering and dying alone.
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That's a fair point and one I failed to see before.

I assumed that he was a hopeless drunk that had found refuge in an airport because it was better than the streets.

Bill x
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I think this qualifies. Note the nickel...
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There are two separate houses that I pass on my way into work where the homeowners have parted with real cash money to purchase signs which say 'NO TURNING' which they have then placed at the entrances to their driveways.

Now, how mean spirited do you have to be to begrudge someone who has maybe taken a wrong turn and needs to turn around, to deny them the opportunity? How often does it have to happen before it irks you enough to consider buying a sign? My guess, when considering the location, is that it's rarely, if ever happened.

I'm seriously considering driving there with the sole intention of turning in their drive, in the hope of seeing the owner come hurtling down his driveway, fist waving, shouting "THERE'S A SIGN! THERE'S A SIGN!"

Some people are just weird.
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Bad Sign
Would you take a picture ?

Bill xxx
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hair hat
whilst waiting in the passport control queue to leave Istanbul I was behind a gentleman who had obviously just had a rather comprehensive hair transplant. i was able to study it closely. they'd harvested live follicles from the back of his head and transplanted them in neat rows across a quite large area over the top of his head. it looked like a little tiny plantation up top, with a corresponding area of deforestation at the back, and a fully-haired strip in between the two.

he was quite a young bloke and I don't imagine that his baldness has run its full course yet, so i expect in a few years he's going to have a sort of moat of baldness between his natural hairline and the plantation up top. now that's going to be a really interesting look.

then at my departure gate i saw a load of men wearing nothing but spotless white bath towels. I've since learned that it's Ihram clothing - robes worn by Muslim men during the Hajj (pilgrimage).
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Halijaro wrote:

There are two separate houses that I pass on my way into work where the homeowners have parted with real cash money to purchase signs which say 'NO TURNING' which they have then placed at the entrances to their driveways.

Now, how mean spirited do you have to be to begrudge someone who has maybe taken a wrong turn and needs to turn around, to deny them the opportunity? How often does it have to happen before it irks you enough to consider buying a sign? My guess, when considering the location, is that it's rarely, if ever happened.

I'm seriously considering driving there with the sole intention of turning in their drive, in the hope of seeing the owner come hurtling down his driveway, fist waving, shouting "THERE'S A SIGN! THERE'S A SIGN!"

Some people are just weird.
While it's entirely possible they're just idiots, my guess would be they have young or special needs children they don't want run over by the general public.
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Halijaro wrote:

There are two separate houses that I pass on my way into work where the homeowners have parted with real cash money to purchase signs which say 'NO TURNING' which they have then placed at the entrances to their driveways.

Now, how mean spirited do you have to be to begrudge someone who has maybe taken a wrong turn and needs to turn around, to deny them the opportunity? How often does it have to happen before it irks you enough to consider buying a sign? My guess, when considering the location, is that it's rarely, if ever happened.

I'm seriously considering driving there with the sole intention of turning in their drive, in the hope of seeing the owner come hurtling down his driveway, fist waving, shouting "THERE'S A SIGN! THERE'S A SIGN!"

Some people are just weird.
Mean-spiritedness often has nothing to do with it. Serious property damage often does.

I've seriously considered putting up such a sign myself, but have so far resisted. I live at the end of a narrow dead-end road that has an official county roadsign about a half mile back at the last intersection that clearly says DEAD END -- NO TURNAROUND. Nevertheless, we still get a lot of sightseers and delivery trucks (sometimes huge ones that should have no business trying) coming all the way down to the end of the street. The garbage trucks have figured out how to maneuver safely and always dispatch a man to guide the driver when backing.

There are three driveways at the dead end where one could easily turn around a passenger car safely if only a little bit of care is exercised. One driveway already has a "No Turnarounds" sign. That leaves me -- on the right side facing the dead end -- and the neighbor directly across the street. My driveway has an entrance about 12 feet wide, but widens out to about 20 feet thereafter to allow parking two vehicles side-by-side.

The problem is totally oblivious drivers who -- despite the wider driveway on the left offering an easier and safer turnaround -- notice two cars parked side-by-side in my driveway and assume, without bothering to look, that my driveway is that wide at the entrance. They pull past my driveway, then back -- without turning their heads or watching their mirrors -- into where they assume my driveway opening is... right across the "peninsula" that contains an H-shaped structure holding my mailbox and my two neighbors' as well as carefully tended plantings of seasonal flowers.

After having plantings destroyed and the mailbox structure hit, I tried reflectors on stalks to mark the driveway entrance... which, of course, were promptly and repeatedly mowed down. I then installed 6" x 6" timber curbing, well-anchored into the ground. They backed right over that as well and continued to destroy the flowers and hit the mailbox. Worse, they sometimes got a rear wheel stuck and dug huge divots trying to free themselves.

A few years ago, when I had some serious landscaping done, I had an 800-lb. boulder placed behind the curbing in an effort to protect the mailbox.
No luck; the boulder gets repeatedly pushed up against the mailbox, plowing flowers in its wake, leaving me to try to lever it back in place... not easy!

I've watched countless drivers do this. They screech to a halt when they -- surprise! surprise! -- discover the dead end, slam the car into reverse without ever turning their heads or checking their mirrors, and proceed to back over my landscaping... cursing when they realize they've backed over a curb. They're usually gone before I can get out of the house to vent my wrath. If I manage to get out the front door, they often flip me the bird as they take off, presumably for having the audacity to put a curb in their way.

I even watched, astonished, as a furniture delivery truck backed into the driveway across the way (without the helper getting out to guide the driver), then proceeded to drive FORWARD over my curb and push the boulder into the mailboxes... all in clear sight of the driver. I managed to get out of the house and take down the license number and company name before he got out of sight. I called the company, and the management had the two perpetrators return, grumbling, to the scene to help me move the boulder back.

If that makes me weird, Halijaro, I'd ask you to consider being in my shoes for a while.
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Like I said, I pass these houses on my way into work. One is on an A road, the other a B road. Neither is in a position, a dead end, where someone might need to turn around on a regular basis, if indeed ever.
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Regardless, I'll wager there is a history of damage done.
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froggieposition wrote:
I think this qualifies. Note the nickel...
Kill it with fire!
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lone_airedale wrote:
froggieposition wrote:
I think this qualifies. Note the nickel...
Kill it with fire!
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I squealed and ran.. it was assisted out by another house member. It was shockingly fast for something that large. Thank god it didn't jump.
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froggieposition wrote:
I think this qualifies. Note the nickel...
Wolfie! I love wolf spiders. The mammas carry hundreds of little babies on their backs. When you startle them the babies fall off then stream back on. It's awesome to watch! And they eat bad insects that you don't want without leaving cobwebs all over the place.
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CyberLizard wrote:
froggieposition wrote:
I think this qualifies. Note the nickel...
Wolfie! I love wolf spiders. The mammas carry hundreds of little babies on their backs. When you startle them the babies fall off then stream back on. It's awesome to watch! And they eat bad insects that you don't want without leaving cobwebs all over the place.
I.e. the perfect spider

Like wolf spiders too. Just can't get my wife to warm up to them, though.

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