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Don't forget your passenger when scooting...

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Hahaha the song couldn't have been anymore fitting.
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Raputtak wrote:
Umm, yeah. No way in hell to talk your way out of that one.
@belkwinith avatar

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fledermaus wrote:
Raputtak wrote:
Umm, yeah. No way in hell to talk your way out of that one.
For once... we totally agree.
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Add more weights to the handlebar ends for that wobble, and scoot on!
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Love the song but i have to ask,why did she hang on? Duh because her road rash ain't gonna be to much fun.
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Maybe a stunt girlfriend?

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I don't think I ever saw anything more...real...on the intraweb. I totally believe this and so does my Nigerian Prince [we're at the bank now]...
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"If you can read this shirt...."

Clown emoticon

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glasseye wrote:
"If you can read this shirt...."

Clown emoticon

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judy wrote:
Love the song but i have to ask,why did she hang on? Duh because her road rash ain't gonna be to much fun.
Road rash vs. walking? I dunno...but it made me laugh a LOT.
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P if it's real maybe she's into S&M. Because when something hurts, like that surely must of, my first response is to let go. Laughing emoticon
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I think I dated that chick in college. I see she is still a real drag.
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Great video. not great for the female in it but comedic relief for sure!
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