@blackrod avatar

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2005 GT200L
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I am doing a weeklong trip next month with my GT200. I have a rear rack and am having a front chrome rack installed tomorrow morning.

Here are the items I plan on attaching to the bike:

Saddle Bags - clothes and hygiene items/medicine

Rear Rack - Shelter items such as Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow, and camping-type chair

Other items I have are the following:

MSR bottles with Reserve Gas - which will go under rear rack
Tire Repair Kit
Camping Stove
Food - granola bars, instant coffee, oatmeal

What items would you put on the rear rack and which items would you put on the front rack to distribute weight most efficiently?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. A friend and I are doing a test weekend ride with all of our gear in two weeks to Nebraska before our weeklong trip to New Mexico the end of May.

@sc_frontier avatar

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Sounds like a lot of fun! Just some things to consider:
set preload adjustments on rear shocks,
air tires to maximum rated psi.

You might have to play with the weight distribution to get it where you want it. Have fun!
@turkman avatar

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My set up
Don't camp but feel things are loaded ok, especially for 2-up (pictured '06 then '07 GTS).

My rear rack is a bit over loaded with items in the trunk and on top. I really try to keep the heavy stuff on the front rack, my tools & gear are in the pet carrier.
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@blackrod avatar

2005 GT200L
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Hi Turkman,

How r u? What heavier items do you usually keep in the front rack?

I am thinking of not getting saddle bags and using a duffle bag and backpack for clothes, toiletries, and tools.

@bloop43 avatar

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2013 VespaGts300 Super Sport SE Vader part Deux, 2009 Vespa Lx150, 1976 Vespa Rally 200
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The ride I did out to Nantucket, MA last year I placed my larger bag on the seat right behind me. Made for a great back rest. I felt like easy rider. Lol.
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