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After getting our scooters and setting them all up the way we wanted last year, the wife and I decided we want to ride together two up. Problem was, we had quite some difficulty in mounting, which gave me reason to look into the Piaggio MP3 lineup. I have a BV 500, so am familiar with that motor and how that scoot handles. So after much searching, reading, and pondering, I bought my new (NOS) 2008 MP3 500 a few weeks ago.

I find that I love the way it rides, as it is very smooth and stable. And quite capable of good highway speeds. It is a bit less speedy than the BV 500, but I don't find a lot of excuses to go 100 mph; the ability to go 90 should do well enough.

When I got it home I discovered the handlebars were not straight. On checking MV for steering straightness, I found out there is a cap that another MV member has made to avoid crushing the central steering tube. Wait a sec, what? Crush the steering tube (!)? Question for those with more experience; I have the thicker walled steering tube (at least I think so. It has 18mm ID, and about 3mm walls, and no vertical notch in it. There is a groove the pinch bolt goes through). What are the chances this tube can be crushed?

Having read quite a bit on MV about the several manufacturing issues, I set about looking at my new scoot with a close eye.

The coolant hose behind the radiator fan was already pulled back by a zip tie, wrapped in shrink tubing. Unfortunately the shrink tubing was cut too long so the zip tie did not hold the hose back from the fan housing. There is a slight depression in the hose, but it does not appear significant. So, I cut off that zip tie, shortened the shrink wrap and put a new zip tie on, which now holds the radiator hose back from the fan.

Of course I had read a lot about the steering notch, so I ordered the steering lock-nut adjusting tools and grease bolt from scooterwest.com. This morning when I went to adjust the bearings, all four of the lock nuts were less than hand tight, which was a bit of a shock to me. I found the 2010 Piaggio steering adjustment procedure online, and I can only say, DON'T DO THIS!! I adjusted my steering bearings according to that instruction, went for a test ride, and knew quickly that something was wrong. I jacked the front end up and turned the handlebars, with a roughness of too-tight bearings evident. So off with the tupperware one more time and loosened the top lock nut, and backed off the adjusting (lower) nut by ~110 degrees as suggested in another thread here on MV, and tightened back the top lock nut. Wonderful, smooth, no more odd turning sensation at all. MV good, trust MV....

While I did the steering bearing adjustment, I also used the grease bolt and packed both sides with grease, top and bottom. I'd say it took about half of a tube or more. Around 100 pumps per side on my grease gun to get it creeping out of the top and bottom bearing sets.

Another modification I made was also based on a thread here. I bought a GIVI windscreen (E340), and found it was just not high enough by about 3-4". Turns out, installing a 1/2" spacer on the lower two screws, and 2" spacer on the upper two screws, and it is now flowing air just barely over my head. If I slouch, it's really quiet. If I sit perfectly straight up (and I never do that...) I am about 1" or so into the airstream. So thanks again, MV!

And about the coolant. While I had the tupperware off I looked at the coolant reservoir and could not see any liquid level from the side of the container. So, I took off the cap and looked inside. Dry. After a bit of panic (I have ridden it almost 200 miles since I got it) I added about 0.5 liter of coolant. So much for dealer inspection; makes me very glad I already changed the motor and hub oils.

The kill switch is also flakey. It was strange to me, when I test rode it at the dealer, it had trouble starting. Turn the key, hold the brake, push the starter switch, nothing. Nada. The salesman I was working with told me to push the button on the key, as there is some form of security deal that makes this part of the startup procedure. Um, nope, starts up just fine now (most of the time) now that I have worked the kill switch a couple of hundred times. Still flakes once or twice per day, but a couple back and forths on the switch and it starts up. Should I change the kill switch out, or might it get better with time and toggles?

I also put RideOn in all three tires after about a hundred miles. I wanted to ride it a bit just to be sure the tires were well balanced before putting in the RideOn. I can't say I feel any difference with it, but hopefully I don't know if it ever prevents a puncture flat.

Currently I don't know if I will remove the evap, um, system. Both times I have filled up with gas there has been a sucking sound on loosening the gas cap, so I am thinking that somehow the evap system is already giving me problems. And, just like my BV 500 before I removed the evap, I get a coughing and sputtering when I am decelerating. I give it a month, maybe less....

I do know that I want highway pegs. I'm already on OAD's waiting list, and my wife wants pegs for her as pillion, too. That'll take some figuring out.

And to think most people I talk to ask if I ride a scooter because it costs less than driving.... Mmmm, no, that's not the reason. Clown emoticon

Cheers, all.
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the steering tube you have is alot stouter than the 250 and you should not worry about crushing it. put the bars straight and a good firm torque on the pinch bolt.

great catch on the radiator zip tie

nice fix on the bearings too.

you can help the kill switch by getting some dielectric grease and getting it in there on the contacts. If its still giving you fits new ones from a dealer are cheap. I have a used one if push come to shove.

bet your going to do the evapoptimy. the system is junk and will cause you fits.

the new floorboards I will push to get some more soon. might have to drop the order qty, it will make the price a bit more for lessor qty ordered from the fab shop. I'll call monday and see if I can get in line. I can check on the UPP's as well to see if they can make a small batch.
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Welcome. As you have already discovered, this forum is a wealth of information. If the wind off the Givi screen gets to be a bit of a problem, I installed a Laminar Lip
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Small update, and thank you
Last weekend I took apart the kill switch - very simple toggle, that. When I took it apart, it seemed the grease that was installed originally got stiff, and was perhaps holding the contacts separated. After some fine steel wool and fresh dielectric grease, it works fine all of several times I started up the scooter. So, thank you to OAD for that suggestion! Clap emoticon

The evap is certainly on the list, though I am thinking I want to give it a couple more months before I do major (perhaps warranty impacting) surgery. It sputters, but so far not too bad and it hasn't killed the engine like it did on my BV 500. But, I also haven't ridden it for a long trip in hot weather yet.... I'll have to remember that term, evapoptimy.

Nerd emoticon Heck, I might do it just for the space.

And about those foot peg mounts, please pretty please do count me in for both front and rear sets. My wife is quite happy and comfortable overall with the ride, so I'm guessing that she's going to be a regular up there.
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Re: Small update, and thank you
Madison Sully wrote:
Nerd emoticon Heck, I might do it just for the space.

Couple of things to do with that "found" space.
Making useless space useful

There's also a thread somewhere that shows that as useful space for attaching a mini-air pump. Maybe BubbaJon did it. Can't remember.
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Re: Small update, and thank you
Madison Sully wrote:
Last weekend I took apart the kill switch - very simple toggle, that. When I took it apart, it seemed the grease that was installed originally got stiff, and was perhaps holding the contacts separated. After some fine steel wool and fresh dielectric grease, it works fine all of several times I started up the scooter. So, thank you to OAD for that suggestion! Clap emoticon

The evap is certainly on the list, though I am thinking I want to give it a couple more months before I do major (perhaps warranty impacting) surgery. It sputters, but so far not too bad and it hasn't killed the engine like it did on my BV 500. But, I also haven't ridden it for a long trip in hot weather yet.... I'll have to remember that term, evapoptimy.

Nerd emoticon Heck, I might do it just for the space.

And about those foot peg mounts, please pretty please do count me in for both front and rear sets. My wife is quite happy and comfortable overall with the ride, so I'm guessing that she's going to be a regular up there.
I should get a quote back late tomorrow afternoon on the passenger and rider brackets.
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Buongiorno! Newbie here, just scored a 3,300 miles 2009 MP3 500.
Rode a 400 before and was impressed. I would be interested in getting a pair of those pegs when the become available.

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Well, that was a bit colder than expected. I rode my MP3 to work today, about 63 miles each way. I figured at ~40F it was warm enough to be sure there was no ice. Which was correct, as far as that goes.

Chilly ride. Especially considering I was going ~70-75 mph for about 55 miles of it. Going to need a better pair of riding pants.

Similar deal on the way home, though much warmer, and maybe 5 mph faster.

I was surprised at how soon the gas light came on, and when I filled up 3.2 gallons. Maybe should have stopped somewhere sooner....

I guess 45 mpg isn't so bad, but it's a far cry from the 65 mpg I got with my BV 500.

And I was definitely feeling the backpack; too heavy, and seat sore to boot.
⬆️    About 1 month elapsed    ⬇️
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Few more miles
OK, so I have about 2,000 miles on my new MP3 500 now.

I got the highway pegs for both rider and passenger from OAD. I have to say they are brilliant, we both love them. Really, really nice for longer rides. Still have some getting used to, as far as getting my feet where they should be, but overall, rousing success, and grand appreciation to OAD.

But there is one thing, and it may be a biggie. The good news is I bought new/old stock, so have a warranty. The bad news is, I have oil blow-by through the crankcase breather, to the tune of 1-2 ounces per 130 mile daily commute. I have cleaned the air filter twice now (second time just today), and am concerned this is more than a simple loop of hose can fix.

I have searched the older postings, and it seems this is either really simple (loop a 3/4" hose where there is a shorter, arched hose between the crankcase and airbox), or really bad (cracked piston).

No problem with lost power or anything other than smooth running engine. All is well except for this oil loss.

Anyone have ideas about this?
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On the 500s, when you ride for extended periods of time at high RPMs, you'll get oil blow-by. It's a simple fact of life.

How full are you filling the oil? OAD says that it blows less oil if you only fill it to 1/2 way between the min and max lines. And that's when measured with it screwed in to test the level. If you're just resting it in the screw hole, it should be at the minimum level. (Full shows at 1/2, so 1/2 is at Min. If you didn't follow that, I can try to do a pic for you...)

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Thanks, Mark.

I've had it drop to at, or slightly below, the MIN level. And I always screw the stick in completely to check it. Since I just cleaned the air filter today, I set the oil level at mid point between MIN and MAX, so we'll see how it goes.

I have also contacted a local dealer, to see what they may think about my symptoms.

The idea that I cannot ride a couple of hundred miles, confident that the oil will remain in the crankcase, seems wrong to me. This never happened with my BV 500 over 8,000 miles of the same usage patterns. Granted, different engine, but a rather slight difference IMO.
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