Was having a great day...rode back roads from Lancaster, Pa across the river to York. Stopped at Liquid Hero Brewing for a while. Took the highway back, running at high speed for maybe 20 minutes. Got onto a a slower road for a while, still at about 45-50mph. Stopped at a stoplight, no indication of trouble. Light turns green, I roll on the power and it dies. Power just fades away and it stalls. Restarted it it a couple times, but as soon as I twist the throttle it dies again. I pushed it into parking lot and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Same thing.
To me it seemed like it was starving for fuel. Vapor lock or oxygen sensor (do Vespas even have an O2 sensor? I assume they do...). Either way I would have expected to see the check engine light come on. I didn't. Opened the gas cap to release vapor lock, no change. The gas light wasn't on either. The needle was low, but not into the red where I would have expected to see the light come on.
There was a Sunoco station about a block downhill from me, so, what the heck, let's put some gas in. It took about 1.3 gallons (1.7 gallon tank). I've run it lower before. Tried it, it started on the first try and ran smoothly all the way home! No indication of trouble, nice and steady.
So, what could it have been? There are a little over 7500 miles on this scooter.