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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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I arrived home yesterday and realized that my headlight was not working. I stared at it dumbly for a while and then, after a nice chat with the helpful folks at Scoot Richmond, started to pull fuses. Sho' 'nuff, one was blown.

I have the Service Manual for the GTS250. It contains about three different options for the wiring schematic, depending upon the VIN of the bike. These are small and blurry. I also have neat, legible diagram drawn by Cincinnati John.

In the Owner Manual for the 300 it mentions three sites for fuses: one in the glove box and two under the pet carrier.

Scoot Richmond said, no there is only the one in the glove box.

A search of this forum lead to a few comments such as one in the glove box and one by the battery.

Apparently the gnomes of Pontedera change the wiring layout every time they buy a new pair of Italian shoes.

So how is one supposed to trouble shoot why this fuse blew without any idea of what runs to where?
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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By using the wiring diagram and workshop manual for the 300 instead?
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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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Yes. So I went here


and here


The pdf for the wiring diagram was three pages of illegibly faint image. I shall keep looking.

Then I went here

This was worse.

I guess I'll just go in there and (Don't cut the red wire!) see what I can figure out.
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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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OK. So I installed a new 15A fuse and lo and behold, the headlights worked and the seat release worked. I guess that tells me that there is not a permanent short as the fuse did not blow right away.

I went for a ride around the block and still everything worked. I looked in the engine compartment and could see no obvious places where wires were worn or frayed. My next step is to look behind the horn cover and inside the handlebar assembly for the same. I hesitate to rip all that apart as it is quite a job.

Do fuses sometimes blow for no apparent reason? It has been ages since i last rode in the rain.
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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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Good huh?
Good huh?
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Raputtak wrote:
The pdf for the wiring diagram was three pages of illegibly faint image. I shall keep looking.
You only need the first page (Italian/English). It's best enlarged, especially to read the wiring colours. Layers are available to be enabled - layer three makes all wiring a thicker black. Other layers can pick out specific functions of the circuit, all in pretty colours.

If your headlamp isn't working, and the electric saddle opener doesn't work, then fuse #6 (15A) is probably the culprit. This also feeds the fan, so if the fan is jammed or has malfunctioned, it can blow that fuse when the bike starts to get overheated. The headlight bulb blowing can take the fuse out, and so can a faulty saddle opener solenoid. Also remember that fuses are a bit like light-bulbs - they have a finite life. If by examination it looks as though it's just 'died' (no sign of melting plastic or dark marks) rather than 'blowing' (plastic distortion and dark marks), that is also possible.
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2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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I think the problem may lie with the fan.

I checked the coolant level and found it empty. "Not good", I thought. So I searched MV and found a cool video on flushing and filling and bleeding and thought to myself. "Hmm. This looks like work. Maybe I'll let the helpful folks at Scoot Richmond do this".

The search of MV also pulled up all kinds of neat stuff on different colored anti-freeze and the heinous crime of mixing different flavors. The chap on the video mentioned numerous parts like o-rings and clamps and tubes that I do not own.

I guess when I go to Richmond to pick up the 50 Special with its nice new clutch I can take the 300 Super and get it fixed.
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