I arrived home yesterday and realized that my headlight was not working. I stared at it dumbly for a while and then, after a nice chat with the helpful folks at Scoot Richmond, started to pull fuses. Sho' 'nuff, one was blown.
I have the Service Manual for the GTS250. It contains about three different options for the wiring schematic, depending upon the VIN of the bike. These are small and blurry. I also have neat, legible diagram drawn by Cincinnati John.
In the Owner Manual for the 300 it mentions three sites for fuses: one in the glove box and two under the pet carrier.
Scoot Richmond said, no there is only the one in the glove box.
A search of this forum lead to a few comments such as one in the glove box and one by the battery.
Apparently the gnomes of Pontedera change the wiring layout every time they buy a new pair of Italian shoes.
So how is one supposed to trouble shoot why this fuse blew without any idea of what runs to where?