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When I use my front brake, the bike shakes a lot. What's up with that? The column is not damaged, so I'm assuming the brake shoes are worn? Thanks
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What kind of bike do you have?
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I have the same problem
I have the same problem on my '67 150 Super. I will appreciate any advice that might be offered to the person who posted the question.

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Out of round brake drum, or bent axle. Most likely brake drum.

Replace it and it should improve.
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or loose steering head bearings
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Old douglas ..smallie with polini 115..super with nasco 177
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check your headset bearings too. You can normally lift the headset a tad without removing any cables. Then use a punch to loosen the lock ring and the punch to tighten the ring below it. Finish by tightening the lock ring back down and then give the whole column a good wiggle with your face/shoulder braced against the frame and a hand on the hub area to see if its all good
Do this while your waiting for new hub to arrive
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Willie B wrote:
or loose steering head bearings
yeah, that too.

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Quick test for head race is:
Bike off stand apply front brake and push bike forward, knock from the front end is likely to be the head race and not the drum as this will be stationary, you might also check out the suspension this way.

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if shudder goes away with hard braking = loose headset bearing
if shudder has different tempo at different speeds = hub is warped

most likely headset bearings
don't go too tight
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Can you explain more exactly what you want to say with "shake"? There's a lot of behaviours in the front brake and fork to say some diagnosis

Old douglas ..smallie with polini 115..super with nasco 177
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Old douglas ..smallie with polini 115..super with nasco 177
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also look at fork tube bearings.... the little tube welded 90 degrees to the fork (down at the hub)are bearings are notorious for not being replaced..and will give you a lateral wobble in the wheel if worn. sometimes peeps incorrectlyleave out spacers and washers etc etc Most often the pin wears down a few mm. there is a replacement kit with bearings and cups and washers and a new pin available
you kinda need someone else to hold stuff like the head set or hubnice and still whilst you pull and push on the part/area your checking for wear be it the fork tube/ hub area..or the headset top and bottom races.bearings
Do them regardless
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Same issue on our bike, front end vibrated and shuddered like a madman under heavy front brake. Tightening up the nuts under the headset made a huge difference.

Get the front wheel off the ground, grab the tire with one hand in front and one in back, and check for back and forth movement. If there's any play, tighten up those headset nuts.
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