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Hello everyone,

It looks like I'm finally going to buy my first Vespa soon and, well, I'm trying to choose and would appreciate your help on that.

A little bit about myself: I live in a small town in the Rockies. I used to have a 50cc Honda Metropolitan, which I really enjoyed and put about 2,000 miles on it during the one season that I owned it. So I took the MSF course and decided to move on to something more powerful but still with classic scooter styling. So Vespa it is.

I narrowed it down to a used 200, 250, or 300. I would probably be perfectly happy with a LX150 90% of time, but I want to have an option of taking it on a highway every once in a while.

Therefore, LX150 is probably out of the question, and I am looking for 200GT, GTS 250, or GTS 300.

There are a few of these in the local classifieds, and the choice is basically between:

- A dealer offering used 2010 and 2011 GTS300 with mileages of 1500 and 150 mi, respectively, for $5000 plus dealer fees, so really closer to 6000;

- A privately owned 2009 GTS 250, garaged, in good condition with 7500 mi for $3500. The catch: owner hasn't really serviced it since he bought it used 3 years ago and put 1500 miles on it since. So basically, no oil change in the last 3 years or 1500 miles. That's assuming that the dealer properly serviced it before that. Technically, still within recommended intervals, but...

- A 2005 200GT with 7000 miles for $3000, well-maintained, garaged.

So my choice is between these. I am leaning towards the 250. I like the model, the color, everything - but the maintenance (or lack of thereof) makes me nervous. Is this a big deal? Is this worth waiting a few more months and saving some more for 300? Is 300 significantly more powerful than 250?
Or, is this better to just buy the 200?

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Get the 250, especially since it's a private owner and you may be able to work the price down, a least enough to cover the cost of parts. The 300 is almost twice the price and the 250 is worth an extra 500 over the 200. Are you going to do your own work or take it to a dealer? Also, 7000 miles are not a lot of wear for these engines as long as there are properly maintained. Good Luck
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Good questions. Between the 250 and 300 you are really comparing 244 to 278, however the engines do get better and better with each upgrade beyond just the displacement. I love my 250, but I got my first Vespa after the 200s went off the market as new models. If you are only doing occasional highway use, you are comfortable with the 200 seller, and you managed to put 2,000 miles on a 50 and loved it - I would say go with the GT200.
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Vinny72758 has a 250 for sale with some extras in the classifieds. I bet he will work with you on the price. I would get it tomorrow if I could.
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I agree that the 250 is probably the best choice with those kinds of price differences. The 250 performs very close to the 300, and fuel injection definitely provides some benefits. The carbed 200 is a nice bike but you need to see one at a lower price for it to be in serious contention.
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At your elevation the fuel injection matters, a lot.

I like the 250's.

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Go for the 300. I have owned a 250 and a 300.

Quite a few people claim there is not much difference between the two, which is only true if talking about top speed.

Acceleration of the mark is vastly superior on the 250. Also front suspension is superior on the 300.

Don't get me wrong, both are great machines but if you don't get the 300 you will always wonder what you are missing out on. IMHO the 200 isn't in the running, inferior technology etc.

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Thanks everyone for the responses.
So, the service history of the 250 that I mentioned is not a problem?
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6 is too much, the 3's are in the hunt but given your elevation, I'd likely go EFI. I'm not a fan of ride & park used bikes but really, I doubt much would have gone wrong assuming the original owner had a clue. If you can't verify that (service records?) you might want to wait for the next bus tho. Owned twice already with no service history would give me pause unless you are able to have a competent mechanic look it over. They are well built machines but parts & service are not going to be as cheap as the metro.

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As someone who rides into the rockies all the time when viable...

Are either the 250 or 300 fuel injected? Fuel injection is amazing in CO where you go from 5k to 14k feet in elevation quickly.

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I own a 250- great scoot, has the good gauge cluster with tach, temp and trip

With 7500 miles you will need to change the rollers, belt and probably at least the rear tire- $200 worth of parts. Oil shouldn't be an issue since they are supposed to run synthetic. If you can get it for $3200 or so it would be a great deal. The 200 is not even close- it's essentially a bored 150 that's water cooled- older engine tech.

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rider33 wrote:
If you can't verify that (service records?) you might want to wait for the next bus tho. Owned twice already with no service history would give me pause unless you are able to have a competent mechanic look it over.
As far as I understand, the owner does not have service records. He is willing to have a mechanic come look at the scooter, but he has a very tight schedule so arranging for him to come to a dealership for an inspection would be very difficult.
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I have a GT200 and live in Denver. I ride a lot in the Rockies.

I love my GT200 but envy my friend who has a fuel-injected GTS300. Definitely helps to have fuel injected when riding through different elevations. Also, it helps to have the extra CCs when climbing through the mountains.

However, I would not trade my GT200 for another scoot. I have been very happy with it and it is my baby .

One thing I suggest. Tell the owner of the scoot you are interested in purchasing that you would like to do a pre-purchase inspection. Reason I say this is that I bought my GT200 used with 6,600 miles and it had a few issues. First was the fuel gauge was not accurate but more importantly all of the rear hub bearings and gear oil needed to be replaced. Luckily, it was all under the 90 day warranty..but I could have had to shell out $1,000 in labor.

Best of luck,

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The guy with the 250 has put 1500 in three years. So it has not been sitting. If you could arrange to get it in to a dealer for the necessaries - oil, belt, tires etc.. and take that off the 3500, you would have a nice Vespa 250 FI ready to go for the summer riding season. And a little piece of mind to go along with it. Good luck.

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So, it looks like the 2009 GTS250 I wanted is sold but there is a 2006 GTS250 for about the same price with 3,000 miles. Serviced by the owner himself, so I think I will give it a try if he agrees to an inspection.
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This time of year, you are going to have to be quick if a good deal pops up. A lot of people have been housebound all winter thinking about getting a bike and now they have tax money burning a hole in their pockets.

EFI would be an asset in your area.

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Thanks everyone for the advice.

I ended up buying a 2009 GTS250 with 2,000 miles from a dealer for the same price that the other buyer was asking. Per dealer, it's in great mechanical condition; just been checked and serviced, had fuel pump replaced under recall, and it's getting delivered early next week. I could have ridden it home from Denver, but those of you who ever drove on I-25 around Denver on Friday evening will probably understand why I decided not to make it my first ride on the new scooter.
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Sounds great, best of luck and WELCOME Clown emoticon Clown emoticon Clown emoticon
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Excellent choice! Welcome and post some pics!
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Welcome and congratulations on the 250!
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Good Choice, good vintage!!

Enjoy it!
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Aloha and welcome to the forum from Hawaii. Awesome. Pics when you get it please.

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And there she is.
I took her on a short highway trip through the mountains (US-24 in El Paso and Teller counties). Well, I'm really glad I didn't buy the 200 or 150. On a level terrain I easily make 75-ish indicated, but on some grades the fastest I could go was 45-50 indicated.
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She is DELIGHTFUL!!! Welcome to MV -- the best group of folks I've ever associated with!!!

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Congrats! Looking great!
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