I put this as SSR because I mainly use Youtube for scooter videos as do many here.
Here are my issues and I know I probably shouldn't be bitching because I don't pay a dime to use Youtube but I will anyway. Youtube has changed the game and it kinda pisses me off. Now you cannot fully use Youtube unless your account is linked to a Google+ account. If you delete your Google+ account comments will be disable and everything including your videos will be set to private. And no telling what else is planned. It is pretty obvious that Google is forcing previous Youtube users into their whole social network thing and that kinda sucks.
Currently my original Youtube account (stickyfrog) is now a sub account or page of my Google+ profile that I did not create and I am embarrassed to admit (being in IT) that I have no idea where it came from. I must have clicked something at some time. So it is now trapped there. And what is most annoying is every time I go to Youtube it defaults to the Google+ account and if I forget to change to stickyfrog channel (where all of my videos are) I inadvertently will start an upload to the wrong (main) channel. Which is just a waste of my time and bandwidth. It also sucks when commenting, saving favorites and subscribing. Did I mention that the main Google+ account identifies me by name? Have not found out how to change it so when I go to Youtube my stickyfrog channel is the default. Anyone?
So I am considering other options now like Vimeo and just wiping Google+ and all of it's evil away. I only use Youtube for videos I share with friends, family and MV folks for the most part so monetization is of no interest to me. The ability to embed is nice too. Anyone have input or suggestions?
If you have come this far thank you for reading my rant. I feel better now