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Hi all thought it was time I checked in and updated all my fab MV friends on how I'm doing. I have just spent 2 weeks at the police rehab facility having intensive physio on my face and jaw (all the jokes have been done). Also lots of exercise to get my fitness back. Now back at work full time after a week in Devon with my family. I'm doing ok physically and emotionally still getting used to my new life but with family and friends support it's going ok.

No plans at this stage of getting another scooter but have got over the 2 wheel fear and been on my road bike cycled 14 miles the other weekend bloody hard going.

Back to the hospital tomorrow to see the dental team regarding the damage to my teeth.

Hope you are all well and enjoying your riding.
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Keep on truckin, Nic. We're cheering for ya.
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Glad your on the mend, I remember my mate fainting on the parade ground when I was in Notts police, made hell of a mess.

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glad to hear your healing well. keep up the good work on the rehab.
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Nic, great to hear from you! We think about you often. Glad to hear things are going better...
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I was just wondering about you today, after seeing Kitty's remodel of Watson's front end. Warm regards sent to you from the overly sunny California.
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Rehab/physical therapy makes quite a difference but graduating from it is much better.
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Thanks for the update. Sounds like you are going in the right direction.

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I'm happy to hear from you. Don't be a stranger.
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Glad to hear things are coming along well. Take care.....
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Thanks for the update. Glad to see you're still on the mend.
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Glad to hear you're healing in more ways than one. Please don't be a stranger hon.
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Was just thinking about you today. Glad to see you are going strong. Keep it up!

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Good to hear from you! Keep fighting the good fight!

Hugs from across the pond.
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Happy to hear you are well on you way to recovery! Keep us posted on your progress.
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Keep up the hard work in PT! You'll be good as new.
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Glad to hear things are getting better.
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Great news. Prayers continue.
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I'm glad that you are doing better CopECat! Thanks for checking in
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Good to see your nearly there (so to speak) Once you get back to work & into the swing of things you'll be coasting 8)
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Thanks for the update! I'm glad you've got the police facilities - it must help a lot to be among friends for rehab, despite the teasing
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Great update, CopECat! Pleased to hear you're making good progress. Fourteen miles on a push bike is nothing to sneeze at -- keep up the good work!

Continued best wishes and prayers...
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Great to hear how well you're doing! Sending prayers your way.
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Good for you! Glad to hear things are looking up!
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Awesome and glad your back out enjoying the world. Wow you have your own rehab for cops there? Cool. Don't be a stranger on the forum my friend.
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Good to hear you're doing well. You've been missed around here. Continued success on your recovery.
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The cat is back!
Dear CopyCat,

It is very kind of you to keep us informed. I wish you the best in your recovery(s).

Mr. F
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Thank you for the update. Best wishes for your continued recovery and to staying positive during such a difficult experience!

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