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Molto Verboso
2011 LX150ie two tone expresso
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Molto Verboso
@victor1 avatar
2011 LX150ie two tone expresso
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Not usually a big deal, but with the winter we've had here in the U.P., its like the start of a whole new year. Temp was only 35 degrees but the sun was out and the snow is mostly gone...perfect day to freeze and have fun doing it. My LX started like it was shut off yesterday...never missed a beat! Even did burgers on the grill. Looking at the roads, I feel sorry for the city crews. I've never seen them as bad as they are now. Am sure this is the case just about everywhere. Just good to be out again. Hope all of the MV readers have a fun and safe riding season.
@scotty_j avatar

GTS 250
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@scotty_j avatar
GTS 250
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Get good gloves and jacket I am going to get some heated gloves next season. Pricey though.
@rkcoker avatar

Piaggio BV350
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@rkcoker avatar
Piaggio BV350
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Congrats! Personally, I've been able to commute for the last month. It's a wonderful feeling, ain't it?
@wmak avatar

Moto Giro Titan
2009 GTS 250 Super Lucrezia Borgia, 2013 Ducati Hyperstrada, Little Big Red,2020 Zero SR/S, Zeus, Electric Dragon
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Moto Giro Titan
@wmak avatar
2009 GTS 250 Super Lucrezia Borgia, 2013 Ducati Hyperstrada, Little Big Red,2020 Zero SR/S, Zeus, Electric Dragon
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Glad you're out and about. One of my biker buds is a Yooper, he moved down here to take a job. He really loves the all-but-year-round riding.
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