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I use the free "Waze" app for getting around and have a RAM setup for my iPhone 6s+

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celly wrote:
I use the free "Waze" app for getting around and have a RAM setup for my iPhone 6s+
Lots of people rave about waze, I use google maps.
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Brek wrote:
celly wrote:
I use the free "Waze" app for getting around and have a RAM setup for my iPhone 6s+
Lots of people rave about waze, I use google maps.
Google maps incorporates waze now
"Acquisition by Google. Facebook and other companies were interested in purchasing Waze, but did not reach an agreement. In June 2013, Google bought Waze for $1.1 billion, adding social data to its mapping business."
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ashbrook wrote:
But Stahh of MV convinced me that this set up was much better. I've also added a waterproof Satnav holder that attaches to the RAM mount
That's what I used on My GTS; it worked perfectly for years. I did cut down the excess on the u-bolt, more for cosmetic than other reasons.

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WEB-Tech wrote:
Brek wrote:
celly wrote:
I use the free "Waze" app for getting around and have a RAM setup for my iPhone 6s+
Lots of people rave about waze, I use google maps.
Google maps incorporates waze now
"Acquisition by Google. Facebook and other companies were interested in purchasing Waze, but did not reach an agreement. In June 2013, Google bought Waze for $1.1 billion, adding social data to its mapping business."
That makes sense!
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