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Hapened last Friday. I went to the ER and it looks like an ankle sprain and no fractures. Dr told me to follow up with family MD today to be on the safe side. I am fine with the pain meds. Right foot is the size of a cantaloupe. Supposed to use crutches until swelling and pain goes away.

If I wear boots for support I can walk without the crutches. Yesterday I took the GT (accident scooter) for a short ride. It is really noisy. Sort of like a worn out graphite gasket. If I cover the tail pipe the scooter does not die. Downpipe studs don't seem broken. When tailpipe is covered there is little air escaping around downpipe gasket.

I have a coolant leak at the end of SAS stiff joint pipe. This just after rebuilding and refitting the water pump. Is it possible that because the scooter fell on the OEM exhaust it may have busted the cylinder head gasket?

I preeptively inspected downpipte and exhaust in situ last night and could not see any cracks. Trying to get some intel for the insurance claim.
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Sorry for the fall, Max, but glad you weren't hurt worse. I'm no help on the mechanicals, I'm afraid.
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Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Get well soon and I hope your scooter is easily repaired.
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Dang it Maxx!

Hope you feel better soon.

(Viva Lake Geneva on June 20 - 22nd)
Your welcome to stay at my place and be a roomie with me in LG.

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Sorry about the spill, Max. Hope you get better fast, and get some help with the technical stuff too....
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Oh Max, hope you feel better soon!!
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Sending some healing mojo for a quick recovery Max.

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Best to you Max. Glad it wasn't worse, ankles can easily break.
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Hi Max, sorry to hear about your accident. Best to bring bike into the shop for an estimate. In fact, insurance should cover cost of towing. I know Progressive did when my scoot was stolen and recovered a couple of months ago.

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Sorry to hear about your accident, I'm glad you're fine for the most part, and hope you get back on the saddle soon.
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Sorry to hear about your wipe out... Glad your not hurt too bad..

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Get well quick.

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Glad you weren't hurt worse my friend. I don't talk to you for a while and here you go getting into trouble. Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon I'm asking one of my guardian angels to look over you. Man i wasn't that bad after my recent accident and i went over the handlebars. Take your meds and keep the foot elevated. You know what to do. If you need anything holler.
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It's always something with you, Max. I am glad to hear you were not hurt badly. Rest a few days, then tend to the scooter.
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Max -- add me to the list of folks wishing you a speedy recovery. Can't help on mechanical stuff, but I'm the kinda guy who goes to the dealer. I turn ignition keys, and I swipe credit cards (when I CAN!). Not much on the "handy" side of things!

To Blackrod -- glad to know that about Progressive. I had my insurance with them on my previous scoot and had figured I'd return. Didn't know much about my coverage, actually (my Allstate agent in Beverly Hills handled it for me, and since I've been with him for 20 years or so, I just "assumed"...). Nice to know I'll be in good hands -- with Allstate AND with Progressive!

Victor/Palm Springs
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Thanks for the kind words. Been vegging out at home in bed.

Last Monday Dr was reassuring. Went to the three major body shops and did not get a good response. The usual hmmm, not sure, don't work on scooters, etc. Almost as if by chance on my way back, discouraged, went by a small, off the beaten path body shop owned by a guy from Vietman who has a couple Vespas himself. Got the estimate for respraying. This was almost heaven sent. Our local dealer does not do body work.

Adjustor is coming tomorrow so I need to get a list of parts that I will need from SW.

Will not bore you or upset myself with the circumstances under which the accident happened and let the insurance and law enforcement do their work.

After reading this thread I feel much better. Better than the pain meds. You guys are awesome.

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Sorry to hear about your crash! Speedy recovery.
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I hope you're 100% soon. I'm glad you weren't going faster.

Good luck with all the repairs.
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Awk! Sorry to hear about your 'off' Get better soon and don't sweat the small stuff. You're way more important than the ride, friend.
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Just saw this... so sorry about your off, Max.

Sending healing thoughts from the Holy Land.
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The swan has stopped swimming
[]All curtains have been drawn. Dark cloaks cover all the mirrors. If Mozart wasstill alive I woukd comission a requiem. I snapped a picture for everyone and I am imposing and international minute of silene. It'stotaled. The adjustor snappung pictures like a funeral director. I did not even had time to prepare him for the viewing. I can use a bit of humor and some sleep too. Good night everyone. Not sure how I shall be feeling. Part of me is happy that it's over but another is just sad... so sad! Nerd emoticon
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Sorry to hear this Maxx.

That's a tough break.
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Really sorry Max. You put a lot of work in on that scooter. Take care of yourself.
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Awwww, Max!!! Bummer, bummer, bummer!!! Remember the good times, but also look ahead to the good times yet to come...


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It is really hard for me to believe that these modern vespsas get totaled out in just a 10 - 15 mph accident. Of course the big thing here is that you heal up and get better, which I hope you do. It's just baffling to me. I know somebody is going to tell me that it is part of the frame and is a structural, and there for a safety concern, but all vespas are metal bodies. Why can't these things be straighten out like the classic, vintage ones? Are they a throw away item? Is it the lack of talented people to work on them? Just saying....
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Why is it totaled? How much damage did it do? So sorry my friend.
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Craziest thing ever. Just some scratches on the right rear back and the lower right fairing. Yesterday I worked a bit on it and fixed the exhaust gasket. Plus I drained/replaced the brake fluid. Filled it up to make sure the gas tank is not cracked. Scratches are right there by it. Nothing else that I can see is wrong ... ah and the right rear view mirror. Of course the leg trims. But it is fixable. There is some future litigation in the planning by the insurance company, I think, since I was totally not at fault and they know it. I may be able to get my deductable back if found not at fault. Adjustor looked at the exhaust and totaled the silencer because of one scratch! That was the crucial point for their evaluation. I bought it back and will continue to ride it. But it may have a salvage title. Not sure. For the scratches I have designed a 7 inch circle 'racing' number sticker to cover the scratches. Think of it as a band-aid for the scooter to avoid rust. Even though there is no steel showing. It looks like there have been some paint work in the past: Lots of bondo (sp?) exposed.

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Bondo? Again - lack of talented people? I hope you are doing better. And kudos to you for working on it , good man.

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Me again. Take lots of pictures. If it does turn out to be salvage you will have the before pictures - it may help some day.
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Thanks everyone. I thought I would log back on and post. The sprained ankle is doing much better. Road rash is healed. I am slowly getting back on the saddle. I just ordered the German chrome crash bars. I know usually people install the crash bars first and then crash. Sometimes I do things backwards ... I just could not resist the sale price. Hmmm... there are many other ways I can rationalize it but I will just spare everyone my usual rants Razz emoticon Not looking forward to changing the right leg trim either. Crying or Very sad emoticon
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Oh Max, total bummer. At least you're on the mend. I wish you a speedy recovery and happy, safe future riding.
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Just catching up...sorry to hear about your spill, but please to know you're healing quickly.

Hope the scoot repair goes well...
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I'm sorry to be seeing this late!

Glad to hear you're healing and so sorry about the total!
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