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On my other thread, I was having trouble with the Malossi clutch spring, not working, but it may have been made worse by the fact I was operating it through a new clutch cable I had just run.....because I had a few "issues" fitting the cable and did wonder if it was installed correctly.

While I'm waiting for a new hub oil seal, I decided to take another look at the cable and found the inner to have high resistance sliding through the outer. I think it was kinked, but in the process of this discovery, both the outer and inner need to be replaced....I was surprised how easily the outer stretches if you pull it without pushing at the other end.

So, I now know the best way to thread the cable using the double inner length etc, but would like any specific advice at the headset end....[the angle from shifter tube to steering column is quite tight].

Is it just a matter of seating the end of the outer in position, then feeding the inner down from the lever position, through the tight bend and onwards?.....
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Re: Fitting clutch cable for smallie
rod_r wrote:
Is it just a matter of seating the end of the outer in position, then feeding the inner down from the lever position, through the tight bend and onwards?.....
Pretty much.. when I put a new inner in, if I'm having trouble with the tight bend, I pull the outer up a bit and give it kind of a wide birth, as big a loop as I can, then push the inner in and push and pull the outer back to where it was..

I also find that twisting the inner a bit will help.
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Thanks vader

The cable was from a PX so was too long anyway. When I pulled the inner out, it had one or two soft kinks in it. I also pulled about 6 inches of the outer up through the speedo hole and was surprised how battered it looked.

Think I musta really buggered it putting it in.....

Of course, now I have to work out if the Malossi spring was always OK or not....
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The Malossi spring is pretty stiff. Using a Teflon or "PTFE" lined outer makes it a lot easier on your hand. If routed correctly.
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mark1027 wrote:
Using a Teflon or "PTFE" lined outer makes it a lot easier on your hand. If routed correctly.
True.. Also, don't put any kind of lube in these if you're tempted.. they don't like it.
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I could not get the inner past the tight bend at the headset. So what I did was leave the outer sticking up through the speedo hole, threaded the inner down the shifter tube, then up through the speedo hole. It was then reasonably easy to feed the inner down through the outer all the way, then kind of push the outer back through the speedo hole and up the shifter tube, using the inner as a guide.

There is much less resistance than there was with the first cable I ran, but I nearly stuffed the whole thing up. I used the double length wire trick, but the wire I bought was way too thin. With someone at each end to keep tension on the wire, the new outer was getting hung up somewhere deep inside...it was not going to plan, but finally it popped out...whew!

Anyhoo...cables are on/in....clutch is reassembled.

BTW, what a mission to refill the case oil. I can see why peeps recommend the big syringe or squeezy bottle, where you can force the oil in.....neither of which I could find after visiting 2 auto parts stores, a supermarket, a hardware store and even a pet store. It was getting late so I rigged up something that looked like something from a Dr Seuss story. I had a plastic funnel with a piece of fuel hose off that with the cut down barrel of a ball point pen to stick in the filler hole.....and sat and sat and sat..while the oil slowly drained into the hole.

It was now very late, but after nearly 2 weeks of engine out, head off, clutch out and rebuilt and put back twice, clutch cable inner and outer run twice.......she started on first kick and in the confines of the garage, actually went into gear properly.

What a mission, and I still have the same clutch, same primary cog, possibly same slipping issues, but I have learnt a hell of a lot, and will ride it which I put together a shopping list.....
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Cable Quality
By the way, the first clutch cable I was given was a Piaggio, and seemed reasonable, but the replacement I bought today seemes a whole step up in quality. The store said it cam from Europe, which I wonder if it is a SIP product. The outer is smoother and slightly bigger in diameter, and the end caps seem more robust.....
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+1 on the ptfe cables. just got a set. smooth as buttaaa!

if you werent fortunate enough to have gotten the good lined cables, there is a good lube made for cables.
boeshield t-9 ( http://boeshield.com/features-benefits/auto-cycle/ )
ive used it for many years successfully on my mountain bikes (really dirty environment) as well as all of my motorcycles/scooters. makes a word of difference.

great stuff, i use the bicycle chain stuff but the auto/cycle container is easier as its a spray.

just my $0.02
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Got it all together, started it up and put it in gear.....hmmmm, something doesn't feel right......got the selector cables the wrong way round LOL.

Yes, I looked at the smallframe diagram and thought I had it right.....wrong

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big syringes are easy to find.... used to stock the 80cc ones at sailors corner in westhaven but you should also beable to get them from a chemist.... just explain you don't need them for shooting up drugs
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Maybe it's different up north, but I couldn't find one. Ended up with a 2 buck squeezy plastic bottle from the 2 dollar shop which did the trick.

Swapped the selector cables over to the right side and deffo had them wrong before. Needs more work because it shifts like crap now. Not too bad up shifting but down shifting is terrible.....very hard to get it to change down.

Also struck a new problem. During the test ride I noticed the tail light not working, and when I use the bar end indicators, the engine surges. It could be that I replaced the coil power lead and didn't have the eyelet fitting at the junction box, so just wrapped it around the screw....maybe it's shorting?......
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