Wondering if I might get a bit of input on my topbox problem...
It's possible I'm being a prize fool, but I can't work out why my top box wont fit. I bought a GTS box, a GTS bracket and all of the fitting kit, but the two things just don't seem to marry up...
The underside of my box has three protrusions (circled red below). A 'hook' that seems to want to go over the rear of the carrier (but is too small to do so) together with two plastic parts that look like they should slide over something.
The carrier doesn't want to know - the box just sits on top of the rack, weith no obvious mounting points. I have not yet drilled the box, since it's clear that there wont be anything available for the bolts to connect into the frame.
Anyone got any idea what the heck is going on...? Have I bought the wrong thing?
Photos below.
Thanks v much - frustrated to say the least.