That was a fun couple of hours on Monday... Decided I need to sell my ET4 as I'm not really using it any more & I could put the money towards finishing off the garden. (Bosses idea ) But she does need a bit of a service before she goes. Now i did debate about buying a clutch bell housing holding tool thingamy , but the Haynes manual suggests using a couple of screw drivers to keep it from turning whilst undoing the nut.... So two bent and one snapped screw drivers later I come up with the genius idea of..... wait for it....
All i need to do is stop the wheel from turning...
What can I find in the garage to do that.... ???
A Pick axe handle.
Turned sideways fits nice n snug in the rear wheel... Cranking the arse out of the nut still not budging... I then spend the next hour trying to get the handle out of the Vespa's death grip hold with out causing any damage...
Needless to say the tool is now on order, & this tool has to wait another week before my little wrestlers grip ET4 goes on sale ..
Any buyers lmao