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I noticed today that the wiring that connects into the stator and coils on my P125X is in bad shape. Wires are pretty shot; crumbling to bits and stripped in places. It's crying out for a re-wiring before something fails, but i can't work out where the wires go to after leaving the stator and exiting through the crank case. My Haynes is thin on info. Is it straightforward to route new wiring to/from the stator? Anyone point me in the right direction for info on this?
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They connect to the black plastic box that sits on top of the engine flywheel just below the carb.

Phillips head screw driver to remove the securing screw , take some pictures, disconnect the wires, pull the box off, then feed the wires through the hole above the flywheel in the case as you pull off the stator
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TrumpyScooter wrote:
They connect to the black plastic box that sits on top of the engine flywheel just below the carb
oh hadn't noticed wiring was also patched into the junction box from direct underneath. geeez.
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Molto Verboso
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yup, the junction box
Sorry dude, didnt mean to give you the full walk through, but i didnt know if you were a total retard or not
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Re: yup, the junction box
TrumpyScooter wrote:
i didnt know if you were a total retard or not.
yeh i am. I looked and looked, never noticed wiring going out of underside of box. effin' obvious

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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Wiring diagrams on Scooter help too if you need that.
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