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Is it just me or are people becoming more sensitive? And by sensitive I don't mean they write more poetry..

This morning on the way to work a noticed a car change lanes in my mirror that was a little closer to my scooter then I would consider comfortable. When the motorist passed me I recognized them as a colleague.

They then proceeded to cut across traffic on more then one occasion causing all sorts of hard braking from the other motorists, including myself.

While this was happening I noticed my colleague had a taillight out.

When I saw this person in the office shortly after I informed them 'You have a taillight out, and that's important because you lane change like a crazy person.'

I'd like to think I know this person well enough to throw in a slight jab, at the very least they are now informed of the taillight.

WRONG! I returned to my desk to find a strongly worded email regarding my comment and if I have a problem we should deal with it differently.

Differently would have been 'You drive like an A-HOLE and put the lives of others in danger.'

But if I had said it that way, how would they have known about the taillight? Sheesh. So sensitive.
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Maybe this fits.

"The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them."

― George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

You, of course, had no way of knowing what had him stirred up
before he got into his car.
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I was also informed by my coworker one morning, that I drive like a crazy person.

True, I was in a hurry (deadlines) and I remember blowing by them on the highway without a thought. Nobody was around, I just went around him on a curve.

I wondered what crawled up his butt and died.

Then I found out he was dealing with a bowel resection issue.

So I felt bad later...
but not too bad.
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To be driving like that, and to respond like that, they have something else weighing on their mind that is upsetting them. Money, marital, medical, who knows.
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"Sure thing. I will put a call into the CHP, let them know you have a tail light out."
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A Crappy/Unsafe Driver
My favorite Subject.

On two wheels, most of us are constantly
watching for the dangerous driver. The
follow to close/constantly changing lanes
without signaling drivers are some of the
worst. If you signal a lane change or turn
it requires thinking about it. The bad drivers
don't think, they just merge and turn into
your scooter.

If you recall the old video game Frogger",
you constantly move the frog back and forth
between lanes to avoid the cars. I call these
Crappy/Unsafe drivers "Froggers".

Hey, they think they are excellent drivers!

Bob Copeland
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I think it's a combination of people feeling that they can comment on the behaviors of others, and that people are tired of others commenting on their behavior.

My commute can be a real hassle, usually I get passed on the stairs down to the office by one of the dogs, and when she gets down there, she glares at me until I take her outside.
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I have a taillight out?
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Re: Are People Becoming More Sensitive?
Shebalba wrote:
Is it just me or are people becoming more sensitive? And by sensitive I don't mean they write more poetry..

This morning on the way to work a noticed a car change lanes in my mirror that was a little closer to my scooter then I would consider comfortable. When the motorist passed me I recognized them as a colleague.

They then proceeded to cut across traffic on more then one occasion causing all sorts of hard braking from the other motorists, including myself.

While this was happening I noticed my colleague had a taillight out.

When I saw this person in the office shortly after I informed them 'You have a taillight out, and that's important because you lane change like a crazy person.'

I'd like to think I know this person well enough to throw in a slight jab, at the very least they are now informed of the taillight.

WRONG! I returned to my desk to find a strongly worded email regarding my comment and if I have a problem we should deal with it differently.

Differently would have been 'You drive like an A-HOLE and put the lives of others in danger.'

But if I had said it that way, how would they have known about the taillight? Sheesh. So sensitive.
walk by and tell them thanks for the email document as it might come in handy someday, like in court if something ever happens to me or my scooter. Have a nice day
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It's like nowadays it's rude to basically tell someone to mind their manners. To get in queue for the bus, to give up their seat for someone, to mind their language and volume. Even young people.
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With things like the Faciebooks and being able to add comments to the bottom of pretty much any news article, we've become a world of commentators.

I guess sometimes when it's to your face it can be a bit of a shock.

I opted to use sarcasm and snark to mask something that I was obviously upset about. I decided to 'eat humble cupcake', and have provided a simple apology. Moving on.

I do wonder if my workplace has softened people, almost coddled them. I'm constantly reading about the tug-of-war going between SF citizens and the free Google commuter bus. I can't help but wonder if having such entitlements changes us.
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I have a co-worker that drives like that. I told him he was a dink for doing it. He agreed. Still drives like that.
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Everyone knows Californians have always been sensitive, news? Laughing emoticon
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An email for a reply? But you were there talking to him. I think you were fine.
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The answer is yes! people are becoming more sensitive. You can't say, do, jab or anything without fear of a rebuttal, rampage some social rights group attacking you or a threat of a law suit.

Just read all the junk in the news that growing up we did and had it far harder and we dusted it off and moved on. Now we get stuck on it, can't let it go, form organizations to fight against those who offended us. blah blah blah.

no one can accept the fact that we all make mistakes.....after all....we are only human.
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For tomjasz...HEY, SPARKY, I AIN'T EFFIN' SENSITIVE...AND I'M FROM CALIFORNIA!!! (Ooooo...wait...did I say that out loud?!) HUGE POOP-EATING GRIN!!!

Seemed like a pretty mellow rebuke from where I sit, even in Cali...

Some people's children...

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When people say "you drive like a crazy person", I want to know who's letting all these crazy people drive in the first place? Someone must be, else how would anybody actually know what a crazy person drives like?

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'Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is
an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?' George Carlin
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I do not think people are more sensitive, but being told the truth (or one persons truth) and being really offended by it is the new past time.

I told a person I did not appreciate it that they missed two meetings that they set up and did not show up to, and now I am in the hot seat. You should have seen the email I got back, as if I had accused them of murder. Oh well, this too shall pass...
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tomjasz wrote:
Everyone knows Californians have always been sensitive, news? Laughing emoticon
Truer words have never been spoken!
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Any political posts on this thread will be deleted. Some of the moderators in this place read books and I am not amused by the discussion of evil. Any further discussion or highjacking for someone else's political viewpoint, you are banned, no ifs, not buts.
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People have become total pussies!

I remember the days of when a disagreement with a work colleague got all out of sorts, you just punched them in the face. And that was working in a hair dressing salon. Nowadays you cant even cup cake a collegue for fear of a warning or something and thats in the military!
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Or Less Sensitive? Or just Jerks? A couple of days ago, on the way in to a small local deli, I did the polite thing and held the door for a young couple on their way out. The girl was first and you would think the guy would then hold the door for the rest of the way out and maybe say "thanks." He just kept going and let me stand their like I was the doorman. I then let the door go hoping to hit him the ass. But, I had held it too long and didn't even come close to nailing him. Am thinking, social skills are soon to become a thing of the past Crying or Very sad emoticon Social networking on the other hand will probably overtake all common sense.

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