Is it just me or are people becoming more sensitive? And by sensitive I don't mean they write more poetry..
This morning on the way to work a noticed a car change lanes in my mirror that was a little closer to my scooter then I would consider comfortable. When the motorist passed me I recognized them as a colleague.
They then proceeded to cut across traffic on more then one occasion causing all sorts of hard braking from the other motorists, including myself.
While this was happening I noticed my colleague had a taillight out.
When I saw this person in the office shortly after I informed them 'You have a taillight out, and that's important because you lane change like a crazy person.'
I'd like to think I know this person well enough to throw in a slight jab, at the very least they are now informed of the taillight.
WRONG! I returned to my desk to find a strongly worded email regarding my comment and if I have a problem we should deal with it differently.
Differently would have been 'You drive like an A-HOLE and put the lives of others in danger.'
But if I had said it that way, how would they have known about the taillight? Sheesh. So sensitive.