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Dear everyone,

I need some more cheering here, folks, the news in not too hot ... I am continuing to do what I can, but I am not MV with all the energy that you guys can summon up for Arno.

Arno is in a difficult moment. I ask that those who remember him in his wild, brilliant, and energetic days please post to give him support and love now. Every time in the past, the messages you left for him kept him going better for a few days.

After 6-plus years of battling it in every way we can think of, the cancer has now spread also to the bone and the brain. Arno is choosing palliative radiation to try to control the metastatic pain. Planned treatment starts on Monday, every day M- F for 5 weeks to the bone, followed then by the brain protocol.

He spends his days at home, in is favorite armchair, snoozing most of the time. He can take a 10-min short walk around the neighborhood on most days when he feels that the pain in manageable, and here is a recent pic of him. He should soon get some special glasses with prisms to correct the vision damage caused by the brain tumor.

The war is lost at this point, but I think there are still a couple of battles left. At least, I am banking on that.

Please send lots of love and energy to Arno. I'll keep you posted.

Thank you,

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God speed, Arno. May your walks be healing, and in the sunshine.
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Wishing you strength, humor, comfort, peace, and love. Hoping you feel encouraged and warmed by your MV community, your family, and your friends.

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Wishing you all the best Arno.
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Wishing you both comfort and strength.
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Yup, thinking of you guys and hoping for the best. Take care.
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I think of you both often. Thanks for the update.

I wish you strength Arno. Keep on being the toughest SOB in the valley.

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Tor2ga wrote:
I think of you both often. Thanks for the update.

I wish you strength Arno. Keep on being the toughest SOB in the valley.
Could not have said it better. Sending the best from both of us, Dear Friends.
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Love to both of you! Keep fighting, Arno!
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MV isn't the same without your contributions and debates. Hang in there, you're in my thoughts and prayers my friend.
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Thinking of you both and hoping for a few more sunny days to come your way. Peace.
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Sending all the power this crabby menopausal lady can muster. Like an arrow, across the country.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop Salima.

My mom always said, "When you reach the end of your rope all you gotta do is tie a knot and hang on. You can do that, it's simple. Just hang on."
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Instead of just quoting someone else and adding my +1, I usually stay out of these threads, because I never know what to say. But now I find I couldn't even say what I would like to say in my own tongue.

Arno, so sorry that we never got to meet. We would have had a great time together, I'm sure. Machet jut.
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Battles and skirmishes, win what you can, take comfort in each other.
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Super big amounts of healing mojo is being sent to you Arno and to you Salima.
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So sorry, You've been thru so much but have always bounced back. It ain't over til the fat lady sings and i'm not hearing any music. Hang in there. You have a few more tricks up your sleeve i suspect.
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To Arno
Arno, even tho we have not met, and probably never will,, I've been very aware of your scooter activities thru MV. I should have all the experiences and concerns you've voiced thru the years on MV!

Take good care, Arno, and know there are many here who are pulling for you to have a good and enviable life, as you've had to this point.

And to you, Salima, all the best for taking such good care of Arno...it's very encouraging to witness that.


Las Cruces, NM
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Arno - You have fought a good fight. May you continue on. Looking good in that picture.

Salima - Take care of you too. It is easy to ignore your own needs when caring for a loved one.
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look after yourselves, both of you, and enjoy your time together. we're all pulling for you arno.
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A day of joy trumps 100 years of dissonance ...and time is an abstract notion anyway. Wishing you many more days of joy!
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Sending healing thoughts from NY.
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Healing Thoughts Sent
Healing thoughts sent your way...

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Healing thoughts to both of you. Wishing you as much quality time as possible.
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Arno was a connection back to Utah while I was in Thailand. Now I am back here, it saddens me that I may not get a chance to ride with him. My best wishes to his health and recovery.
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Salima you and Arno are so much more than an MV legend (having met etc., through this site and scooters) that I cant help but know that the special circumstances and the bond you find yourselves now connected by is something so extraordinary that I dont think god, or fate, or karma (whatever you want to call it) is done with you two yet!

The Salima and Arno story has, and continues to be both inspiring and heart warming to me. I take comfort in your history as a couple, and hope you do as well.

Warmest wishes to you both, healing thoughts to Arno and stay strong. Both of you. I know you are...

Sent from my iPhone=
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Feck cancer.

Haven't had the pleasure of knowing you but that doesn't make me any less able to wish you well. Kick the crap outta that cancer as long as you can, I hope the pain can be kept in check. Take care.
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Salima, Arno.....

I'm very sorry to hear. It's been years that we've all seen this, experienced together.... The peaks and valleys of what it means to be a cancer survivor.

My heart goes out to both of you as I've seen the repercussions of battling cancer myself with my family's own fights. You have my thoughts, well wishes, and love.

Keep strong. Always.
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I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hate knowing you have to suffer through it. You mean a lot to the MV community. I hope our prayers and well wishes bring you strength as you continue to fight the good fight. Be strong.
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Praying for a miracle. They DO happen. Keep your chin up and your spirits high.

Praying for you.


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Praying for more good days then bad, sunshine rather than rain and lots of love and good thoughts from friends far and near! You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
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I can't really add anything to the thoughtful wishes of the others.
Arno, you look great in the photo. I hope you can stay strong and continue to fight the cancer for as long as possible.
Kind regards,
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Salima, it was with a sad heart that I read your update to this thread. Wishing you and my cyber friend Arno, courage and determination to carry on as you always have resolutely done so. You have been an inspiration to me. Hang in there.

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Truly an inspiration and the absolute depiction of courage.

Peace be with you both. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
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Arno, there is an Atlantic Mint Green Range Rover in my neighborhood. Every time I drive by it, or it me, I think of you.

Hang on...
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I never got to meet you but I have followed you Arno on these forums. You are an awesome person and keep fighting that battle. You are in my thoughts as you go through these hard times. You have touched so many lives here on MV and we thank you for sharing your life and love with us.
From a previous lurker...
Amy (froggie)
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Salima and Arno,

I am at a real loss of words. You have balanced the two most fragile things in human experience, love and life, with dignity and strength. I wish you more of the same for the battles that lie ahead. Your story together is truly an epic one.

Love, strength and peace
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