Putting on the vespatronic flywheel this weekend. Doing some reading and see people discussing "timing" this variable electronic ignition. I was measuring the play in the stator that comes with my kit and the maximum difference one can adjust is not more than 9-10 degrees from one extreme to the other. The stator only goes on in one position.
The literature states that the ignition will adjust the timing within 8 degrees. So I assume if you put the stator plate in and center the holes, there is no need for further adjustments, or do I need to get out the timing wheel, light, and piston stop.
Second question:
My flywheel woodruff key is a little dinged up, but holding fine. Normally I would simply replace it, even for a little ding, however, is this worth chipping it out and then putting a new one in, if there is no slippage that I can note when the flywheel goes on?
Most manuals say to always replace, but I am not wanting to create more work unnecessarily as it is in there very tightly.