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Hi all!

Some time ago I made a right mess of changing the oil filter on my pre leader et4 and snapped a bolt, I couldn't get it out so I thought I'd try and get the pump off so I could get get at it better (it was the top one that holds the filter cover on). I took one of the bolts that holds the pump on out, then a mate said not to bother and he could get the broken one out easily, which he did (welded another bolt to it and unscrewed it). All I had left to do was put the bolt that holds the pump on back in and I'm back on the road, sounds simple enough but the bugger won't go in, could anyone tell my why this would be? Once it's out would it have become misaligned? Has anyone had any difficulty with this before?


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It looks misaligned from here. Run tap in slowly and clean up the threads and try again. Good luck.
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I'll second that. It looks cross threaded. If you do run a tap in, I'd suggest you do it by hand to avoid making a second set of threads. Hopefully it's only the first turn worth of thread.
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Examine the bolt carefully. The higbee could be damaged or distorted. Hopefully it is. Easy fix. New bolt, die or some file work. Or, where the higbee enters the hole could be buggered up. Then a tap would be in order.

BTW, make sure your bolt has a progressive higbee, not a blunt start point. I've attached a pic so this might make sense. Good luck.
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Thanks for the replies!

I've tried a few bolts so I'm pretty confident it's and issue with the hole itself, I've asked a mate to bring some taps round so I can give it a go. I'll report back!
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Which way are you turning it?
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Haha, righty tighty!
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Well.. my mate brought the taps round but they're too long and the angle is too awkward, so I'll have to find another way!

I'm don't suppose anyone knows what's actually in there? What could have moved or shifted to make getting the bolt back in the nightmare it has become!?

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Have a look with a mirror? To see what is actually going on.

Grind a point on a different bolt or bend a screwdriver and see if you can line up the holes.
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That's a good idea, I'll see if I can! I'm starting to think I may have to drop the engine out to get at it easier, not sure what I'll be letting myself in for though!
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I was just about to take it to the mechanic but before I did I thought I'd have one last go at it.

Stuck an allen key down the hole and shifted something over, it screwed in after, thought I'd better post what sorted it just in case any future searchers have the same problem.

I'm back on the road!!
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