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On your Vespa?

Please share

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400 miles, San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Have you seen the movie "The Mist" where in the end... well I won't spoil it but a similar thing happened to me.

I came down from SF to LA, and after the Lost Hills exit, the temperature dropped to 0 degrees celsius (from my Vespa gauge). (also, this is why the outside thermometer is so important, could mean having frostbite and not, at those temps, everything is too numb to tell) My feet and hands started to freeze so bad I thought I think I was starting to get frostbite.

I was able to ride about 20 miles or so at 0 degrees C (at 70 mph) and just couldn't bare it. I dropped the speed to about 50mph but was still freezing.

I pulled over to the side of the road to try to warm up. (this is in the middle of the central valley desert, absolutely nothing but dirt for miles, and stars in sight) I tried everything, including placing my feet on the exhaust.

I felt like I was either going to stay there all night and freeze to death or grind it out to the next gas station and get some shelter. Of course the next shelter was only 5 or 10 more minutes away unbeknownst to me (D'oh!). I laid in the bathroom with my feet against the wall and warmed up with the hand dryer for about 20 minutes.

The clerk gave me some plastic bags to put over my feet and I headed out. I mentally prepared myself to brave many more miles of 0 degree temps and the minute I step out of the gas station, the temperature rose back up to 10 degrees C and stayed that way for the rest of ride. It was one of the worst nights I ever had.

anyways I just bit the bullet and ordered a termoscud blanket AND the muffs. (this is from a previous post but definitely fist the bill here)
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Today I rode my Vespa about 330 miles from Memphis,Tennessee to Montgomery,Alabama. During the first 290 miles it was through moderate to heavy rain. Thankfully the temperature was near 70F.

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Hachi wrote:
Today I rode my Vespa about 330 miles from Memphis,Tennessee to Montgomery,Alabama. During the first 290 miles it was through moderate to heavy rain. Thankfully the temperature was near 70F.
were you going top speed?
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A few of my photographs from a trip I did on GST 250 from Canada to Mexico and back.



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sergeibelski wrote:
A few of my photographs from a trip I did on GST 250 from Canada to Mexico and back.


what kind of camera is that?
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noeltazz wrote:
Hachi wrote:
Today I rode my Vespa about 330 miles from Memphis,Tennessee to Montgomery,Alabama. During the first 290 miles it was through moderate to heavy rain. Thankfully the temperature was near 70F.
were you going top speed?
Yes pedal to the metal
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noeltazz wrote:
sergeibelski wrote:
A few of my photographs from a trip I did on GST 250 from Canada to Mexico and back.


what kind of camera is that?
Under each image I have information about what camera and lens I used On that trip I was using Canon 1D Mark IV

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sergeibelski wrote:
noeltazz wrote:
sergeibelski wrote:
A few of my photographs from a trip I did on GST 250 from Canada to Mexico and back.


what kind of camera is that?
Under each image I have information about what camera and lens I used On that trip I was using Canon 1D Mark IV

Your photos are beautiful bro; looks like an awesome trip. Thank you!
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4000 miles from Maryland to Colorado and back in 95+F weather on a kitted LX.

Several heavy downpours on that trip, and chased across Kansas by tornadoes (although they never caught me).
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320 miles from Little Switzerland, NC to a Motel 6 at Richmond Hill. Pretty much steady downpour the whole way. Had planned to make it the rest of the way home but soon after crossing SC and getting on the interstate I started to shiver (rain gear leaked a bit, boots full of water and wet gloves) even though the rain was letting up. Figured I better bail and get dried out before I got dangerous.
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On my GTS 1200 miles to Amerivespa 2010 in San Antonio and back. Worst weather wastorrential rain one trip or 28f temp on another.

If it doesn't have to be a Vespa 4400 miles on BV 500 from Breckenridge Colorado to Amerivespa with detours to various national parks. Worst weather I've ridden in was on that trip - 50mph winds with gusts that would move the scoot I over a full lane.
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About a 100 miles which for here is a long trip. Laughing emoticon Our tropical rains got the mainland beat. Experienced what was the beginning of hail,major ponding on the roads (water was thru my rims) and horrible wind. Even the short trips can be dangerous. I've come home freezing. Getting sick of this winters rain tho. Maybe i'm finally getting old. Laughing emoticon IMHO people drive like assholes when it rains here and i see my life expectancy getting shorter and shorter when it rains.
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Every day over the Blue Ridge mountains
I rode about 85 miles, everyday, all winter over the Blue Ridge Mountains. (That's what happens when you move from Chicago to Virginia and don't have a car and have to get to work)

One time the leg of my pants kept coming up and my ankle was exposed to the elements and I actually have a scar from the frostbite.
@wleuthold avatar

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The most intense was 1018 miles in just over 18 hours on a GT I owned for a year. I wanted to do an Iron Butt, just for fun, and chose a route that kept me on interstate highways the entire way. Jacksonville, Savannah, Columbia, SC, Charlotte, Raleigh, Savannah, Jacksonville. Beautiful weather that day.

For overall length of a single trip: On a Vespa, just over 2000 miles in eight days from Jacksonville to Franklin Tennessee, down the Natchez Trace Parkway to Natchez, Mississippi to Biloxi to Jacksonville.

On any two wheeler: Denver to Glacier NP and back to Denver in eight days in 2013. 2750 miles

Worst weather is a little harder. I have ridden in some very heavy rain. The worst was at night returning from a club Tuesday dinner ride from a restaurant 20 miles from home. It wouldn't stop so I headed home in a torrential downpour. Puddles were huge and everywhere and you couldn't tell how deep. I just tried to miss them as much as possible and made it home safely.

One incident regarding wind was a little scary. The bridges here are where the wind is always far worse than everywhere else. The tallest bridge is the Dames Point Bridge, about 175 feet high and only 10 miles from the ocean. One day the wind was blowing 30 to 40 mph across it. When going through the two towers, the wind was concentrated and almost blew me off the scooter. By far, the most afraid I have been on the scooter.
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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A few years ago I took off on a round-trip from Seattle to Chilliwack that started out freezing with think fog for the first, then gradually warmed up and became pouring rain, then it got mostly dry, hot and muggy. Nothing like getting frozen and sunburned in the same day.
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25km on a sunny fall day, but it was only 10C.
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Does THIS Count?
I don't have distance on anyone...hell I've barely got 700 miles total in my life so far.

I also doubt this is a record but I'm wondering if my max elevation of 7,900 feet would be allowed submission to this thread? I was forced to kinda cheat though...started off at 2,000'. This was on my 2003 ET2 50...barely broke 20mph on the steep parts but I made it to the 'top' (highest drivable point) of Mount Charleston.

FYI - this site is awesome...
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wind,rain,hail,sun,bit more rain,sun,then more hail.......
Went out about three weeks ago on a Saturday afternoon, I remember it well, the mental scars are still with me, it was a nice day sun was out and all that, got my shorts on

Then about an hour into a general blast on the scooter it quickly turned into the most traumatic journey back, the hail was like being sandblasted and I chose the openfaced helmet (big mistake) Crying or Very sad emoticon

In that 20 so mile journey I got it all

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voneschenbach wrote:
A few years ago I took off on a round-trip from Seattle to Chilliwack that started out freezing with think fog for the first, then gradually warmed up and became pouring rain, then it got mostly dry, hot and muggy. Nothing like getting frozen and sunburned in the same day.
Except for the muggy that could be many of my trips from Breckenridge to Denver. I've had 50f temp changes in one day leaving around 30f and high near near 90 in Denver before the return trip to hit rain on the way home.

FWIW, at our place near Breckenridge our garage is 10,800' passes another 1,000+ any direction but north. Been up to the top of Mt. Evans a couple times with elevation of 14,000'.
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cdwise wrote:
voneschenbach wrote:
A few years ago I took off on a round-trip from Seattle to Chilliwack that started out freezing with think fog for the first, then gradually warmed up and became pouring rain, then it got mostly dry, hot and muggy. Nothing like getting frozen and sunburned in the same day.
Except for the muggy that could be many of my trips from Breckenridge to Denver. I've had 50f temp changes in one day leaving around 30f and high near near 90 in Denver before the return trip to hit rain on the way home.

FWIW, at our place near Breckenridge our garage is 10,800' passes another 1,000+ any direction but north. Been up to the top of Mt. Evans a couple times with elevation of 14,000'.
Wow - that's quite the change in one riding session!
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voneschenbach wrote:
cdwise wrote:
voneschenbach wrote:
A few years ago I took off on a round-trip from Seattle to Chilliwack that started out freezing with think fog for the first, then gradually warmed up and became pouring rain, then it got mostly dry, hot and muggy. Nothing like getting frozen and sunburned in the same day.
Except for the muggy that could be many of my trips from Breckenridge to Denver. I've had 50f temp changes in one day leaving around 30f and high near near 90 in Denver before the return trip to hit rain on the way home.

FWIW, at our place near Breckenridge our garage is 10,800' passes another 1,000+ any direction but north. Been up to the top of Mt. Evans a couple times with elevation of 14,000'.
Wow - that's quite the change in one riding session!
Not season - day!!! Took the BV in for service in mid September leaving early in the morning so I could stop for coffee with a friend in Golden with temp 29f. By the time I reached Golden it was upper 70s, leaving Denver near 90. For some reason I-70 was back-up at the Eisenhower Tunnel so I went over Loveland where it started raining as I came down into Keystone. Stopped in Frisco for a meal and to warm up a bit. Came out after dark temps in the 40s and rain the rest of the way home.
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cdwise wrote:
voneschenbach wrote:
cdwise wrote:
voneschenbach wrote:
A few years ago I took off on a round-trip from Seattle to Chilliwack that started out freezing with think fog for the first, then gradually warmed up and became pouring rain, then it got mostly dry, hot and muggy. Nothing like getting frozen and sunburned in the same day.
Except for the muggy that could be many of my trips from Breckenridge to Denver. I've had 50f temp changes in one day leaving around 30f and high near near 90 in Denver before the return trip to hit rain on the way home.

FWIW, at our place near Breckenridge our garage is 10,800' passes another 1,000+ any direction but north. Been up to the top of Mt. Evans a couple times with elevation of 14,000'.
Wow - that's quite the change in one riding session!
Not season - day!!! Took the BV in for service in mid September leaving early in the morning so I could stop for coffee with a friend in Golden with temp 29f. By the time I reached Golden it was upper 70s, leaving Denver near 90. For some reason I-70 was back-up at the Eisenhower Tunnel so I went over Loveland where it started raining as I came down into Keystone. Stopped in Frisco for a meal and to warm up a bit. Came out after dark temps in the 40s and rain the rest of the way home.
Ooops - I meant one riding day
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One day, 867 miles from Eureka Springs AR to Santa Fe, NM. There was just no place to stop for the night on the 412 across Oklahoma. 16 hrs

Trip: 10,100 miles last May, added 38 interior lower States to fill in the lower 48. Rte 66, Blueridge Pkwy, Natchez Trace, Grand Army of the Republic Hwy, Rte 2, NE, Beartooth Pass, Yellowstone, Columbia River Gorge, Pacific Coast, Pinnacles, Yosemite. 34 days.
@wleuthold avatar

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JHop wrote:
Trip: 10,100 miles last May, added 38 interior lower States to fill in the lower 48. Rte 66, Blueridge Pkwy, Natchez Trace, Grand Army of the Republic Hwy, Rte 2, NE, Beartooth Pass, Yellowstone, Columbia River Gorge, Pacific Coast, Pinnacles, Yosemite. 34 days.
Now, that's a ride!
I would like to try it some day. Maybe sooner rather than later.
I have done some of it, part of the Blue Ridge, all of the Natchez Trace, Beartooth and Yellowstone.
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Not all that long but five days riding to and at Amerivespa 2013 in San Diego (Just over 700 miles total). Worst ride by far was riding south on PCH past Laguna Canyon with waves breaking over the road and leaning 45 degrees to the right while going around a left hand turn with an estimated 80 mph cross wind. Talk about counter steer!
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These are some impressive accounts of serious riding!! Good stuff!
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Not sure of the time frame you're looking for...

Furthest in a day was 1040 miles in a hair under 24 hours. The high temperature during that run was 45C (113F).

I commute about 160-170 km (100-105 miles) round trip on all but the most inclement days.

One of those inclement days included a torrential downpour that turned into a freak snowstorm at about the midpoint of my commute home. I did the rest of the ride at walking pace with both feet 'skiing' the road surface for balance.
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sergeibelski wrote:
A few of my photographs from a trip I did on GST 250 from Canada to Mexico and back.


Love the photos! What happened to the left side of the Vespa? Everything OK?

How long did the trip take each way?
@vyatka avatar

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JHop wrote:
One day, 867 miles from Eureka Springs AR to Santa Fe, NM. There was just no place to stop for the night on the 412 across Oklahoma. 16 hrs

Trip: 10,100 miles last May, added 38 interior lower States to fill in the lower 48. Rte 66, Blueridge Pkwy, Natchez Trace, Grand Army of the Republic Hwy, Rte 2, NE, Beartooth Pass, Yellowstone, Columbia River Gorge, Pacific Coast, Pinnacles, Yosemite. 34 days.
867 miles in one day on two wheels???????????? 16 hours in a saddle??????????
Are you Terminator? Humans can't do it.
I can't do it even on four wheels.
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DaveTCG wrote:
sergeibelski wrote:
A few of my photographs from a trip I did on GST 250 from Canada to Mexico and back.


Love the photos! What happened to the left side of the Vespa? Everything OK?

How long did the trip take each way?
Thank you! The trip took 16 days in total but I wasn't in a hurry and spent some time in California. On my way there I didn't make it on one of the turns (was going to fast for it) and I crashed (front wheel locked).. Now bike has that dent and a few scratches

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"867 miles in one day on two wheels???????????? 16 hours in a saddle?????????? Are you Terminator? Humans can't do it."

Not so much. Anybody who has done an Iron Butt has been in the saddle longer
, and many of the 'ballers on smaller scooters have ridden more hrs in a day. In my case, I just sat and the scooter did the work. I did not intend to ride this long. There just was no attractive place to stop.
@vyatka avatar

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JHop wrote:
"867 miles in one day on two wheels???????????? 16 hours in a saddle?????????? Are you Terminator? Humans can't do it."

Not so much. Anybody who has done an Iron Butt has been in the saddle longer
, and many of the 'ballers on smaller scooters have ridden more hrs in a day. In my case, I just sat and the scooter did the work. I did not intend to ride this long. There just was no attractive place to stop.
You are made of steel, especially your iron butt I have deep respect for all my fellow scooterists who can ride for that many hours.
I'll drive to Amerivespa this June, it will be about 15 hours trip (including quick stops) and definitely the trip back home won't be fun and easy if in very comfortable car. But i can't imagine myself riding that long on my PX. Maybe 5 h including breaks (the longest i've ever ridden (rally rides)would be ok but not longer and not alone.
@wleuthold avatar

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vyatka wrote:
867 miles in one day on two wheels???????????? 16 hours in a saddle??????????
Are you Terminator? Humans can't do it.
I can't do it even on four wheels.
I can't do it on four wheels either. It bores me to tears. But riding on two wheels all day, it doesn't get much better than that.
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Hachi wrote:
Today I rode my Vespa about 330 miles from Memphis,Tennessee to Montgomery,Alabama. During the first 290 miles it was through moderate to heavy rain. Thankfully the temperature was near 70F.
I was in Memphis and Mississippi that day, and it was a terrible set of storms that he braved. Multiple tornadoes. Somewhere between brave and nuts!
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404 Interstate miles through pouring rain to get to the Meltdown Rally August 2012. Rained most of the way back, too. When I got back I bought a trailer and sold the BV 350.
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710 miles from Spencer, IA to Boulder, CO in a day and a half.....crazy strong winds which really sucked....until the hail started.

It was actually on a new tmax that I picked up in spencer and rode home.
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