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Have decided to get a Lamina Lip for my 2009 BV 250 Tourer, but the guy at Laminar had no idea which model to get. For the BV 250 they show a lip that goes on an older flyscreen. Very different shaw and size. My OEM screen is larger and looks just like the one they show for all years of BV 350s (Piaggio model 674541). He said I should just order the one for the 350 and return it if it does not fit.
Does anyone know if the OEM medium screens are the same on the 250 as the 350? has anyone bought the Lip for a later model 250?
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Pictures would help. How high above the headlight? how wide at the top? If you don't use a full face helmet, the lip will redirect road grit into your face.
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10.6 inches above the headlight, 17.75 wide at the widest point but about 14 4" down from the top. I do wear a full face.
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BV windscreens
I have attached a pic of BV250 and BV350 windscreen. As you can see the 250 is slightly wider and has a more rounded profile at the top. The 250 windscreen is a spare I had from my previous scoot (09 Tourer) before purchasing the BV350. It appears to me a laminar lip for a BV350 would work ...best of luck 8)
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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One thought (to follow up on BVEEs excellent reply). Some of us early users of a Laminar Lip on the BV 350 used the small universal lip, rather than the version now listed for the BV 350. It is similar but a little wider and has a little more curve so it will fit a wider variety of screens. You may want to start with that model and see if you get an acceptable fit on your 250 windscreen.

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Wow I really do appreciate the folks on this forum!

BVEE that picture really is exactly what I needed to see. Seems really close in size so I think it should work just fine. Thanks for going to all that trouble.

Dooglas, I asked the Laminar guy about using the universal but he seemed to think that if the 250s screen was like the 350s it would be better to go with the screen he has for the 350.
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Fergy......if you ever need another windscreen make me an offer..... I'll sell you one cheap. Laughing emoticon
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I asked the guy at Laminar how to fit the Vespa lip as listed on their website onto my LX Vespa OEM flyscreen.

His response - "just drill your flyscreen to make it fit"

No, I'm not going to do that!

(So I've got a brand new GTS laminar lip, unused, if anyone is interested. Cost me £90, but we can do a deal.....PM me.)
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DaveLX wrote:
I asked the guy at Laminar how to fit the Vespa lip as listed on their website onto my LX Vespa OEM flyscreen.
His response - "just drill your flyscreen to make it fit"
I guess I'm not even understanding his answer. Why would drilling holes in an existing screen make any difference whatsoever in whether you could attach a Laminar Lip using the 3M attachment "pads" provided with the Lip?
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I think that if the curves of the screen and the Lip don't match well, the 3M adhesive locking disks don't grab as well as they should. I have read that some folks heat up the Lip and bend it a little for a better fit, or they use plastic bolts and bolt it to the original screen. Hoping that I won't have that problem. They shipped mine out today. I have to say that the guy I spoke to was not helpful in any way. He seemed to have no clue what might work (although he did ask me to contact him to let him know if it did work).
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fergy wrote:
I have read that some folks heat up the Lip and bend it a little for a better fit, or they use plastic bolts and bolt it to the original screen.
I can imagine doing #1 if absolutely necessary. Seems like #2 defeats the point of applying a Laminar Lip. Why not just switch from a fly screen to a mid-height screen rather than butchering the fly screen?
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